Extraterrestrial life
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replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  185185, I wondered why you were not commenting on...
Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
I found your Facebook page, and you believe in fundamentalist Christian religion for cosmology, which in the USA is still very common, they are the same people who caused a Western-civilization-wide uproar over Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution back in the 1800's, because Charles Darwin stated that fossils proved life on Earth before 4004 BC.
As for time before the Big Bang, muons and sound waves through an 1800's style of ether, would precede the Big Bang where electrons gained a rest mass that would increase over time, as the speed of light would slow down proportionally over time, so that everything to the speed of light stays the same size and distance, and red shift is explained as chemical bonds strengthening over time since the Big Bang. Thorium-232-90 from the first supernovas has a 14.1 billion year half life, where acoustic black holes in ether would precede the Big Bang. Thorium is a naturally produced nuclear molecule where dark matter muons bound to dark matter protons, which are observed as neutrons in valence helium-6-2, which makes Ra-226 stabilize Th-232, then U-238, then Pu-244, and then Cm-250. To break the speed of light, approach nuclear reactor critical mass to obtain magic tricks instead of electricity.
Planet Venus makes a perfect recuperando Heaven and Hell, since the surface glows red at night, and Earth's atmosphere would float a blimp 35 miles up at atmospheric pressure 55 - 60 degrees Fahrenheit without needing a cabin. Two small children in an artist's painting, could open the hatch to look below in a hole in the clouds to see a demonic Stalinist-style military parade on the surface, the kids using binoculars to see the small stuff in the front of the Black Parade, battleships and the like at the rear of the parade not needing any visual aid to see 35 miles up.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
My book will give you all the answers you need to know about extraterrestrial life book title;Aliens and Angels II. the beginning of the seven seals. By; Edward A. Marrero Laureano
Thanks;God Bless
replied to:  zazules58
Replied to:  My book will give you all the answers you need...
Since ancient Egypt over 2000 BC, religion has had the dead judged by a Divine Comedy that is just too much like what science today knows about the planet Venus. Jesus' parable of the rich man on a hot surface in afterlife, and the beggar Lazarus in Abraham's bosom up in the clouds, is recuperando that is much more like the planet Venus than Dante's Divine Comedy, due to Dante allowing too much mythology in the Inferno. The Pope liked Dante's book. The approach of critical mass by gold, uranium, plutonium, hafnium wall, or the like, allows the speed of light to be ignored by teleporting sound waves instead of electromagnetism. The aliens that have gotten to mankind well in the past are part of religion. Buddhist reincarnation to such an alien species would give immortality to consciousness with cherubims(King James), moon toys, soul food, living dolls, pokemon (Japanese), or dorsum, the alien species reincarnated to; and immortality to knowledge that uses critical mass to build civilization (two cherubims on the Arc of the Covenant.) The Chinese currently have a one ton golden bull in a new 900 foot tall hotel built by a former politbureau member. As long as the Chinese do not burn incense in front of the golden sculpture, it can be an Arc of the Covenant to a less atheistic China. Getting rid of the threat of nuclear war is now as difficult as it was to keep Bishop John Aylmer away from Satanism and devil worship back in 1500's London.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  Since ancient Egypt over 2000 BC, religion has had the dead...
I am working out in my third book it contains 500 pages and will be publishing by the next year. this books will give you readers.the opportunity to travel into time. and bring all the mysteries that's been hiring for 1,000 of years.this new book contains the secrets of after dead .from my own dead experience that is unforgettable for me. Many yeas ago i was declared dead by doctors. after my accident my main artery was cut in two parts.after lost all my blood hours past and they find me already dead.Those aliens get inside of my body and gave me life back. This is the reasons that i can talk about what happened after dead. is not because i want too. Its because i have been there before.Thanks.Edward A. Marrero laureano
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
There are things out there that you or any other humans want to know the Answers.I will be able to answers your question only limited because is not safety for humans.and something inside of me will stop me to talk about it.thanks Edward
Read my second book.It is Sell on Amazon
Aliens and Angels II. the beginning of the seven seals
replied to:  zazules58
Replied to:  There are things out there that you or any other humans...
I looked you up on Facebook, but I am commenting here. Good luck with your third book, and I have learned that you are a Florida executive of a not-for-profit corporation. 185185 is from the Philippines, so for a Spanish-speaking business executive who has written New Age books, he is an excellent possible contact and advocate. An old John Pertwee Doctor Who movie has his arch enemy, the Master, follow the footsteps of John Aylmer by summoning an alien that looks like a demon. It appears at first small like dorsom (Pillsbury Dough Boy with Ghost Busters movie humor), then within seconds grows to proper size. Faster than light is by probability, so something small grows bigger at the correct destination, instead of travel to that destination. Counterweights between two locations, by a 1000 megawatt nuclear reactor holds 1400 tons of enriched uranium fuel, would minimize the energy needed for faster than light.
The best test for cold nuclear fusion catalyzed by critical mass, is to expose a sample of curium-246-96 to the water inside a light water nuclear reactor's pressure vessel for the typical 200 days between scrams. Curium-247-96 would be the product without any chance of neutrons making berkelium-247-97, without first making berkelium-249-97, then stripping two neutrons away by fast neutrons without fission. Any berkelium-247 found in the sample would be direct evidence for cold nuclear fusion. Excess heat from giant planets could be explained as critical mass catalyzed cold nuclear fusion, as some African uranium deposits have worthless amounts of uranium-235-92, by once being natural nuclear reactors. Chemical bonds strengthen with pressure, so if a giant planet's core is not too hot for high pressure life, hydrothermal vents could produce an ecosystem just like what is found deep beneath the sea on Earth.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  I looked you up on Facebook, but I am commenting here....
My third book Aliens And Angels III will give you all the answers.This book will be available probably by the end of 2014. Tips; Planets Reborn on a specific circumstances that carry all the [psycrobuckthrones]that make life possible only in a specific parts of the universe convene [7645NS] By Edward A. Marrero Laureano Thanks.
replied to:  zazules58
Replied to:  My third book Aliens And Angels III will give you all...
In religion too much mythology has nothing to do with extraterrestial life, but dorsum (living dolls given to infants,) can be extraterrestial life already on Earth, and on Earth since man learned to heap up gold. Dante's Inferno, Star Trek, and Star Wars have too much mythology. Doctor Who's John Pertwee has dorsum on film in The Daemons when the Master was busy summoning, and a force field was around the village of the Master to keep the British military out. John Pertwee figured out finally how to get around the force field, which meant that everyone inside the barrier had to finish the job in dorsum form (miniatures of themselves.) Athletic training has the legs produce the equivalent of a second heart, time lords and the antichrist, to resist heat stroke paralyzing the heart. I noticed that when running in hot weather, no noticeable pulse and I still jogged for several more miles before choosing to walk. The lungs cover the right part of the heart, as you always breathe through the mouth when getting hot. Use an athlete trained for the heat to make the best infant dorsum.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
For you convenience and others readers i will be glad to answers all questions about aliens. my answers are a hi classified because i am part of them; (aliens)i will be specific in all my answers. there is some other like me.yes
around 20,000 years ago we came to this planes.and create a specimen named humans.but we still living in this world in a different stage we gave the humans life knowledge only in a short amount of life,because is the only way that we can control the life in this world and progress in our mission and life form. i am an alien you can call me Edward.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares
Yes there is life in others planet not only in one but in many
i will be giving specific instruction how the universe work just fallow my instruction and i will give you all you need to know about life in others planets thanks Edward (7645ns)
replied to:  zazules58
Replied to:  Yes there is life in others planet not only in one...
In October 1991 in the Smithsonian Museum at the Mall in Washington DC, I saw on display a Tibetan Buddhist scroll, which by pictures for the illiterate, explained the Buddhist Divine Comedy. The dead were judged (planet Venus to Mithras,) with the righteous reincarnated as humans, less serious sinners reincarnated as animals, and the worst reincarnated as insects and other small animals; just like Laurel and Hardy join the French Foreign Legion, the twenty years after death scene.
Aliens would reincarnate their Buddhist Law sinners as humans and worse, and offer mankind the immortality of reincarnation. Reincarnated knowledge is the meat and drink of civilization since ancient times. Nuclear war is the worst trait of alien civilizations as well.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  In October 1991 in the Smithsonian Museum at the Mall in...
Good news, the Hubble Space Telescope has found by aurora around the south pole of Europa, water vapor, just like Cassini found hydrothermal vents at the south pole of Enceladus. Because of life supported by hydrothermal vent hydrogen sulfide on Earth in the absence of sunlight, this is the best possible evidence for extraterrestrial life. Io and Titan should be able to support such life as well.
If it takes a relatively small amount of ozone to fix the ozone holes on Earth, making ozone on the ground by electric arc, cooling the ozone to liquid to stabilize it, and balloon release in the stratosphere, may help. Hydrogen-filled balloons would be fine since no delicate equipment is at risk.
The Galileo spacecraft photographed planet Venus glowing red at night, as it used gravitational assist to get to planet Jupiter. The eye in the sky above a flat-topped pyramid on the United States dollar bill, is the revelation since ancient Egypt that the planet Venus is both Heaven and Hell, as used by Jesus to explain the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus. The spacecraft photo of Venus glowing red at night by heat, passes the Veil of the Temple into the Briah astral plane, the spacecraft, an extension of mankind's consciousness, gaining energy to get to Jupiter.
replied to:  cherish09
Replied to:  I'm going to have to disagree with you because there are...
And" THEY" probably have a McDONALDS franchise, as well as a Walmart too.
replied to:  swewing
Replied to:  Is there life on other planets?
Have you ever wondered what the TRUTH is about life and death? If you seek, you will find. Check out "The Present" at TruthContest ^ c0m. This is truth you can check for yourself.
replied to:  KennyJames22
Replied to:  Have you ever wondered what the TRUTH is about life and...
Here it was really like waste of time about my participation, unlike in facebook that i felt as if face to face in dealing how the story being mold in time.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Here it was really like waste of time about my participation,...
I think that cosmology, that is not religion, is very important. The wonderful match of NASA's planet Venus to old theology recuperando, is just too perfect. Astrology was central to Mithras. This is why I conclude that dorsum is extraterrestrial life, a size that teleports by critical mass approach well, just does not have a very large brain. The two cherubims on the Arc of the Covenant are dorsum, living dolls worthy of a state fair side show, not sculpture.
replied to:  zapster
Replied to:  Many scientists think it is possible that there is life elsewhere...
This is very scientifically explained!
replied to:  ssonday14
Replied to:  This is very scientifically explained!
Thank you. King Darius live forever by Daniel, was typical of Babylonian-derived religion. A manifestation does not sense that it is such, is why the 300 Spartans and Greek city states hated the Persian invasion. Unless the self-claimed holy man wishes to be like the Persian Emperor who invaded ancient Greece, he does not claim any divine power to himself, only wisdom like King Solomon. The use of the electric heater, including the blow dryer and towel, to get rid of strept throat and the like, works much quicker and more completely than Christian Science treatment by practitioner, because the induced fever stimulates the white blood cells. This makes a Christian Science practitioner in plain English, a psychic, still holy to Mithras-based religion. Blow dryer use to get rid of intense itching from being outdoors, is safer and more sanitary than allowing yourself to scratch. Not recommended by dentists, but safer than being King Tut or taking painkillers, is to use the blow dryer as often as needed to get rid of toothache.
replied to:  swewing
Replied to:  Is there life on other planets?
Yes of course. There's new planets being born that maybe one day that planet can be a new earth. A lot of planets discovered and not yet discovered have had life at one time but died off. Some not discovered that is much alive!
replied to:  art33
Replied to:  Yes of course. There's new planets being born that maybe one...
As for human life, there is also manifestation, a more polite term for the ancient concept of gods and saints. When manifestation finally fails, it needs to reincarnate first. When a child prodigy is like John Quincy Adams who later became the sixth President of the USA, five years old and a reading whiz who could multiply four digit numbers, and had foreign language talent as well; fellow students call him possessed as for The Exorcist, and at 12 years old Jesus was that type of prodigy, by staying behind in Jerusalem to learn at the temple when that worried his parents sick. As for King of Kings, it is the top degree in Sol Invictus and the current Parthian emperor of the time. King Nebuchadnezzar matches by reverence gained towards Hebrew John the Baptist, with the Arc of the Covenant in his possession but hated by most Jews. Less repentant and also a failed Hebrew prophet is King Darius, whose reincarnation fate for the hubris of calling himself a god before the Arc of the Covenant, is that he gets to be Jesus crucified, jews wondering if both men were reincarnated Hebrew prophets, of which Jesus correctly said no. Outer space alien life as manifestation could easily exist on Earth, kicked out of their alien Garden of Eden to be among men, reincarnated as men who know that nuclear power in common English is called hoarding as for a mythical dragon. Ignore the speed of light on the ability of the presence of nuclear reactors on Earth to attract alien manifestations as dorsum, angel and devil living dolls as for the two cherubims on the Arc of the Covenant.
replied to:  bulldog1
Replied to:  Oh, there's definitely life on other planets. It's not feasible to...
I do tend to agree with your given hypothesis and the infinitude a-spacetime and manifested dimensional life forms having
characteristics that we could recognize within the limitations of our definitions of life forms, dimensional experiences that permeates our conscious connection to infinite intelligence.
replied to:  Besperus
Replied to:  I bet a Neanderthal looked up and wondered. I do every...
The Creation itself is infinite and is permeated with infinte intelligence reflecting itself as Oneness thoughout atemperal-space
time... Look in the Mirror!
replied to:  art33
Replied to:  Yes of course. There's new planets being born that maybe one...
The universe we live in is bigger than our imagination, with a size of about 14 billion years. More than 200 billion galaxies (galaxies), especially in the Milky Way Galaxy, at We live here, with a width of 100,0000 light years. Clusters (clusters) about 200 clusters. Some clusters of stars have millions of stars. Then which moon has to have something that resembles us
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