This argument states that the universal constants that make life possible are so complex that they could not have occurred by chance.
replied to: Timmeh
Replied to: This argument states that the universal constants that make life possible...
Granville Sewell believes that the evolution of complex life forms goes against the second law of thermodynamics and therefore supports the theory of intelligent design.
replied to: zapster
Replied to: Granville Sewell believes that the evolution of complex life forms goes...
How come?
replied to: zapster
Replied to: Granville Sewell believes that the evolution of complex life forms goes...
I agree. the 2nd law does not allow for creation, only chaos
replied to: Timmeh
Replied to: This argument states that the universal constants that make life possible...
The Nobel-prize winning physicist Dr. Stephen W. Hawking has concluded that if the rate of of the universe's expansion one second after the Big Bang had been even one part of 10 to the twenty-third power, this universe would have collapsed into a fireball.
replied to: zapster
Replied to: Granville Sewell believes that the evolution of complex life forms goes...
The second law of thermodynamics ONLY applies to closed systems, which the Earth obviously is not.
replied to: Timmeh
Replied to: This argument states that the universal constants that make life possible...
Sure they could occur by chance. We don't know why what it is is. But we do know a few things as derived from science, peer review, argument and the democratic process.