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  Subject Replies Date
Irreducible complexity 2 7/19/2015
Just want to know if we are building all our ideas on the universe using the assumption that we are the only universe or the only big bang out there.I... 1 10/18/2014
Has anyone heard of Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas...These people are absolutely crazy...please visit their website(just google their name)...I p... 0 10/4/2014
Dualism: Is there a ghost in the machine? 1 10/4/2014
Hello Im a newbie My name is Lestalicus Does primate's brain evolve? increases complexity? How the primatologists measures it? Sexual selecti... 0 9/17/2014
Prove that P = a ± b ? 1 9/16/2014
The Mystery of Consciousness 1 9/8/2014
The Intelligent Designer 6 6/14/2014
Intelligence as a natural force 1 5/26/2014
How H.G.Wells show about humanity in the Time machine will come true? 1 3/19/2014
Human evolution 3 3/19/2014
Does man have free-will or are all events predetermined? 17 2/26/2014
How does Intelligent design explain diseases, viruses, brutality and death. I was watching Lee Strobel's a case for a creator, where they interview... 11 1/27/2014
Specified complexity 2 5/14/2013
The fine-tuned universe 6 4/11/2013
Origins of the term 2 3/8/2012
Origins 1 1/3/2011
Intelligent design in the 20th & 21st centuries 2 1/1/2011