What were Mark Twain's political views?
replied to: splizxer
Replied to: What were Mark Twain's political views?
Mark Twain held solidly progressive political views. From 1901 to 1910, he served as vice-president of the American Anti-Imperialist League.
replied to: morri
Replied to: Mark Twain held solidly progressive political views. From 1901 to...
Mark Twain's political views are evident in his work; he supported abolition and emancipation, and considered himself a pacifist.
replied to: ericfischer
Replied to: Mark Twain's political views are evident in his work; he supported...
Mark Twain was opposed to vivisection on an ethical basis; he wrote, "The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it." Twain felt the issue of possible human benefit was irrelevant.