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How did Mark Twain's work influence American culture and literature? 3 9/23/2016
Which short story, please help: I remember that it is about a baker's shop or some other kind of store. The owner - a helpfull woman - has a regula... 0 8/2/2015
I have a set of books "the Library of Choice Literature" published by Gebbie and company in 1881. It has several Twain speeches as Samuel L. Clemens.... 0 2/23/2015
Was twain considered intelligent? 1 1/22/2015
Mark Twain Explores God and Humanity 0 1/6/2015
Mark Twain 0 10/25/2014
Did Mark Twain pronounce the word "Missouri" Missour-uh? 0 5/20/2014
What was his purpose of using dialect language 0 5/1/2014
Can you please tell me the source/sources for the story that Sam Clemens had a premonition of his brother Henry's death a month before it happened and... 0 4/21/2014
What was Mark Twains stance of the improtants of individual conscience 0 9/14/2013
How many huck finn tales were written by mark twain ? 1 6/30/2013
What moral issues did Mark Twain address in his work? 1 5/12/2013
What were Mark Twain's political views? 3 4/11/2013
I am trying to find information on a book. The title is "The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Comrade)by Mark Twain (Sam Clemens)Harper B... 0 1/4/2013
Mark Twain's continuing legacy 2 2/6/2012