A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master is a 1988 film in which Freddy Krueger returns once again to terrorize the dreams of the remaining Dream Warriors, as well as those of a young woman who may know the way to defeat him for good.
You shouldn't have buried me, I'm not dead.taglines
[shines stained glass pane at Freddy]
- Directed by Renny Harlin. Written by Brian Helgeland, Jim Wheat, and Ken Wheat.
Freddy Krueger
- You shouldn't have buried me. I'm not dead.
- Welcome to Wonderland, Alice!
- How's this for a wet dream?!
- You can check in, but you can't check out.
- [after Kristen calls in Alice] How sweet. Fresh meat.
- You've got their powers. I've got their souls. Come on!
- [battling Alice in the dream church] You think you've got what it takes? I've been guarding my gate for a long time, bitch.
- If the food don't kill ya, the service will.
- [being served a pizza pie consisting of living human faces] Mmm... the usual. My favorite. Mmm... Eeney, meeney, miney... moe! [stabs Rick's face with his glove] Mmm... Rick, you little meatball. I love soul food. [Alice cries with fear, after Freddy eats Rick] Bring me more. [notices Debbie working out outside and laughs] Your shift is over.
- [after healing a gaping wound in his chest and moving to kill Alice] I... am... eternal.
- [imitating ninja trainer] A true warrior needs no eyes.
- [about to kill Rick] Sayonara son!
- [as nurse] I wanna draw some blood!
- No pain... No gain.
Alice Johnson
- Maybe Freddy can't get to the new kids unless there's someone to bring him to 'em.
- [driving around while asleep, Alice spots Freddy standing in the road] All right, I'm gonna punch his ticket in! [jams on pedal harder, but Freddy disappears and car crashes]
- [to Freddy] Rest in hell.
Rick Johnson
- It's Avoid All Contact Day.
- [to Debbie, who had just squished a bug] Hey, Supergirl, it's dead. Give a bug a break.
- [after Alice's shoe accidentally flies off while practicing karate and the shoe lands into a fish tank] Swish. Killed a fish.
- [while fighting Freddy in his dream] How'ya gonna fight me without your weapon, Freddy?
- Debbie Stevens: What 17-year-old has fatal asthma?
- Sheila Kopecky: [mocking Debbie] Oh, hi, handsome. Care for some buns?
- Roland Kincaid: That don't mean dick.
- Jock: [in response to Sheila's inhaler] Hey, baby. You're sucking on the wrong nozzle.
- Debbie: Hey, yo, needle dick! I bet you're the only male in this school suffering from penis envy.
- Debbie: How can you ride this health hazard? You know, it's no wonder that you have asthma.
- Sheila: No, you see, asthma is an inherited condition. Read a book now and then, you might know something.
- Debbie: You know, speaking of books, isn't trig your favorite?
- [Shelia nods yes and realizes what Debbie's asking]
- Sheila: "Dynasty" again?
- [Debbie smiles]
- Sheila: Deb, do us a favor and get a VCR.
- Kristen: God, I hate dreaming.
- Alice: Mmm, I love to dream. I just hate the ones about my dad.
- Kristen: How do you know so much about dreams?
- Alice: Well, when it's all you have you sort of become an expert.
- Debbie: [in Debbie's dream] I don't believe in you.
- Freddy: I believe in you.
- Elaine Parker: Something matter with the cuisine?
- Kristen: Well, Mom I'll tell you, when two of your friends die in the same day, let me know what it does to your appetite.
- Elaine Parker: You're just tired, don't think I haven't noticed you haven't been sleeping young lady. That has got to stop, honey.
- Kristen: [suddenly gets up, feeling drowsy instantly] What's wrong with me?
- Elaine Parker: Adolescent anxiety... this will make it better.
- Kristen: [confused, she looks at lemonade which is murky. SHe drops the glass, which shatters onto the table] Oh God! What did you do?!
- Elaine Parker: Oh please!
- [grabs mom's purse and sleeping pills fall out]
- Kristen: Jesus! Sleeping pills?!
- Elaine Parker: Look Kristen I'm sorry it's just...
- Kristen: Sorry?! Sorry after you and your tennis pals torched this guy and now he's after me?! In case you haven't been keeping score, it's his fucking banquet, and I'm the last course.
- Elaine Parker: Kristen, we went over this in therapy!
- Kristen: No mother, you just murdered me. Take that to your god damn therapy.
- Elaine Parker: Kristen!
- [runs out of the dining room, sedated and falling]
- Freddy: [in Kristen's dream] Elm Street's last brat. Farewell.
- Kristen: We beat you before!
- Freddy: And now you're all alone! Kristen, why don't you, uh, (scrapes his nails on a pipe) call on one of your little friends? Maybe they could help.
- Kristen: Never! I'm the last!
- Freddy: Why don't you reach out, and cut someone?
- Kristen: No!
- Alice: [Rick comes in and sits next to Alice, who is watching a video with Rick and Kristen in it in their happier days] You made her so happy then.
- Rick: Yeah, before all this Freddy shit.
- Alice: [Turns to Rick] You know, I saw it in my dream. Th-There was this horrible man--
- Rick: [Interrupting Alice with a tone in his voice] Oh, who, Freddy? Freddy? Look, I don't want to hear about Freddy, okay. I heard it all from Kristen and I don't want to hear anymore. So just stop it.
- Alice: I could smell the smoke. I can feel the fire. It wasn't a dream it was real!
- Rick: I said stop it! She wasn't crazy and neither are you, so just stop it, please. God, why are you acting this way?
- Alice: I don't know, Rick. Something happened in the dream and now. It's like she's a part of me.
- Kincaid: [Freddy kills Kincaid in his dream] I'll see you in hell.
- Freddy: Tell 'em Freddy sent ya.
- Alice: [at Rick's funeral] This is it, guys. Mind over matter. [walks away]
- Debbie: Mind over matter? Sheila used to say that. God, every day she changes.
- Dan: No. It's after every death.
- Debbie: [in Alice's daydreams] Mm, there's Dan Jordan. Mm-hmm! We are talkin' one major-league hunk!
- Alice: You know, you are one major-league hunk.
- Dan: [laughs] Thanks, Alice.
- Freddy: [in Sheila's dream] Wanna suck face?
- Sheila: No!
- Chorus Children: Now I lay me down to sleep. The Master of Dreams my soul will keep. In the reflection by my side...
- Alice: Evil will see itself, and it shall die!
[shines stained glass pane at Freddy]
- Dan: [in Dan's dream] Krueger!
- Freddy: Well, it ain't Dr. Seuss.
- Freddy: [after Freddy kills Kristen by throwing her into a flaming boiler, he rips his shirt open] The souls of my children--
- Kristen: Alice! (zaps Freddy with power) You'll need my power!
- You shouldn't have buried me, I'm not dead
- The Name's Krueger...FREDDY KRUEGER [UK]
- Terror Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.
- Tuesday Knight - Kristen Parker
- Ken Sagoes - Roland Kincaid
- Rodney Eastman - Joey Crusel
- Lisa Wilcox - Alice Johnson
- Andras Jones - Rick Johnson
- Danny Hassel - Dan Jordan
- Brooke Theiss - Debbie Stevens
- Toy Newkirk - Sheila Kopecky
- Robert Englund - Freddy Krueger
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