
Cube is a 1997 science-fiction film about several strangers trapped inside a maze of cube-shaped rooms.
Don't Look For A Reason…Look For A Way Out taglines
- Directed by Vincenzo Natali. Written by André Bijelic, Vincenzo Natali, and Graeme Manson.
- I'm just a guy. I work in an office building, doing office building stuff.
- I don't wanna die, I'm just being realistic. You think they'd go to all the trouble to build this thing if we could just walk out?
- Do you think we matter? We don't.
- I mean, this is an accident, a forgotten, perpetual public works project. Do you think anybody wants to ask questions? All they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck.
- I mean, nobody wants to see the big picture. Life's too complicated.
- Just out of curiosity—I mean, don't hit me again, I think—but what are you going to do when you get there?
- Let's rule out aliens for now and concentrate on what we know.
- You can't see the big picture from in here, so don't try. Keep your head down, keep it simple. Just look at what's in front of you.
- Leaven…you beautiful brain.
- What do you think the establishment is? It's just guys like me. Their desks are bigger but their jobs aren't. They don't conspire, they buy boats.
- Every day I mop up after your bleeding heart. The only reason you even exist is because I keep you!
- I know your type. No kids, no man to fuck you. So you go around outraged, sticking your nose up other people's assholes, sniffing their business!
- I looked through the walls. I dreamed him, at his desk, designing everything. He can't let you solve the puzzle, see, because there is a purpose.
- I'm not dying in a fucking rat maze!
- Only the government could build something this ugly.
- It's okay, I just swallowed my button.
- It's all the same machine, right? The Pentagon, multinational corporations, the police! You do one little job, you build a widget in Saskatoon and the next thing you know it's two miles under the desert, the essential component of a death machine!
- God help you, Quentin. Did you smack your kids around too?
- Look around. Take a good, long look-see. 'Cause I got a feeling it's looking at us.
- No more talkin'. No more guessin'. Don't even think about nothing that's not right in front of ya. That's the real challenge. You've got save yourselves from yourselves.
- Suck on it...keeps the saliva flowin'.
- Merde.
- Worth: I have nothing to live for out there.
- Leaven: What is out there?
- Worth: Boundless human stupidity.
- Quentin: Listen, we can't go climbing around in here.
- Holloway: Why not?
- Quentin: There's traps.
- Holloway: What do you mean, traps?
- Quentin: Traps. I looked in the room down there and something almost cut my head off.
- Leaven: Shouldn't we wait here?
- Holloway: For what?
- Leaven: To see if anybody comes.
- Worth: No one's going to come.
- Quentin: This guy's the Wren.
- Holloway: The what?
- Quentin: He's the wren. The bird of Attica. Flew the coop on six major prisons.
- Rennes: Seven.
- Quentin: Don't you have a wife, or a girlfriend, or something?
- Worth: Nope. I've got a pretty fine collection of pornography.
- Kazan: This room is…green.
- Holloway: Yes it is.
- Kazan: I want to go back to the blue room.
- Quentin: You could try and help me out here, buddy.
- Worth: No I couldn't.
- Holloway: I'm talking about where do you hide something this big. Hey, I'm sorry to shake your foundations, Quentin, but you have no idea where your tax dollars go.
- Quentin: Free clinic doctors?
- Holloway: Only the military-industrial complex could afford to build something this size.
- Quentin: Holloway? What is the military-industrial complex? Have you ever been there? I'm telling you, it's not that complex.
- Quentin: That your two bits worth…Worth?
- Worth: For what it's worth.
- Quentin: Somebody has to take responsibility around here.
- Worth: And that somebody has to be you.
- Quentin: Not all of us have the luxury of playing nihilist.
- Worth: Not all of us are conceited enough to play hero.
- Worth: Holloway, you don't get it.
- Holloway: Then help me, please. I need to know.
- Worth: This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you.
- Quentin: Why put people in it?
- Worth: Because it's here. You have to use it, or you admit it's pointless.
- Quentin: But it is pointless!
- Worth: Quentin, that's my point.
- Leaven: If this were right, then we would be outside of the cube.
- [Leaven looks around.]
- Leaven: No, not outside of the cube.
- Quentin: Oh. Guess that means we're not having dinner.
- Holloway: How long did you know people were being put in here?
- Worth: A couple of months.
- Holloway: That's not long…if you consider your whole life.
- Worth: I am.
- Leaven: We'll come back for him...
- Holloway: That's a lie, and you know it.
- Quentin: Sure you can. It's your gift.
- Leaven: It's not a gift. It's just a brain.
- Leaven: This room moves to 0, 1, and -1 on the X-axis, 2, 5, and -7 on the Y and 1, -1, and 0 on zed.
- Quentin: And what does that mean?
- Leaven: You suck at math.
- Leaven: What is out there?
- Worth: Boundless human stupidity…
- Holloway: It's so much worse than I thought.
- Worth: Not really, just more pathetic.
- Leaven: With those numbers, the room should be safe.
- Quentin: [Laughing] Only one way to find out! [Calmly throws Worth into the room]
- Fear…Paranoia…Suspicion…Desperation
- Don't Look For A Reason…Look For A Way Out
- The Walls Are Closing In.
- Nicole de Boer — Joan Leaven
- Nicky Guadagni — Helen Holloway
- David Hewlett — David Worth
- Andrew Miller — Kazan
- Wayne Robson — Rennes
- Maurice Dean Wint — Quentin
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