
MacGyver was a television series about the adventures of a laid-back, extremely resourceful ex-secret agent named Angus "Mac" MacGyver, whose main asset is his practical application of scientific knowledge and inventive use of common items.
(dialogue )
Strictly Business [6.19]
The Gauntlet [1.4]
- MacGyver: The great thing about a map: it gets you in and out of places in a lot of different ways.
The Heist [1.5]
- MacGyver: I've found from past experiences that the tighter your plan, the more likely you are to run into something unpredictable.
Target MacGyver [1.10]
- MacGyver: What a beautiful part of the world. It has everything but people.
Nightmares [1.11]
- MacGyver: Like the magician said, a little misdirection never hurt.
The Human Factor [2.1]
- MacGyver: When James Bond gets an assignment, he probably ends up on the Riviera, up to his 007's in bikinis. Me? I end up 80 miles past nowhere. Courtsey of my good friend, Peter Thorton.
The Eraser [2.2]
- MacGyver: Look. If this works, it'll keep us from getting caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from getting old.
- MacGyver: You don't go to people with your problems. You come to your friends.
(dialogue )
- Thornton: Mmm, this is great. Did you make this?
- MacGyver: You're supposed to heat it.
- Thornton: Mmm, I like it cold.
- MacGyver: I didn't think you'd go in for whipped bean curd.
Birth Day [2.14]
- Helene: Do you believe in fate MacGyver? Well I do. Whenever I do anything good, it turns out bad and whenever I do anything bad it turns out worse!
Friends [2.20]
- MacGyver: For the past seven years I have done nothing but travel around the world getting shot up, locked up, blown up... and all I have to show for it are a couple of empty rolls of duct tape.
The Secret of Parker House [4.1]
- Penny: MacGyver! Oh that does it! I just want to pack up my things right now and I want to go home.
- MacGyver: Penny, whatever is going on around here, it's got nothing to do with ghosts or goblins or the supernatural. There is a purely logical explanation for everything.
- Penny: Really? Well that would sound a lot more reassuring if you weren't holding a human skull.
The Legend of the Holy Rose, part 1 [5.1]
- MacGyver: What do you want from me?
- Zoie: To help me find the holy grail!
- MacGyver: Indiana Jones already did that, I saw the movie!
Halloween Knights [5.6]
- Murdoc: I may be reformed, but I'm not crazy.
- Murdoc: Don't worry, MacGyver. You'll see me again. Just keep looking over your shoulder.
- Murdoc: You know, MacGyver, that's why you're so hard to beat. Nobody knows what you're going to do next, including you.
Season 6
Strictly Business [6.19]Strictly Business [6.19]
- Murdoc: Better death through chemistry, that's what I always say.
- Murdoc: MACGYVER!!!!!!!!!!!! (in several episodes before he "dies")
- MacGyver: Murdoc. (often said softly then backround music being to build tension.)
Unknown episodes
- MacGyver: Dreams are important, otherwise sleep is just eight hours of nothing.
- MacGyver: Sometimes I just hate it when I'm right.
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