Noir (ノワール, Nowāru?), is a 26-episode anime series from 2001, a story of two young female assassins who embark together on a personal journey to seek answers about mysteries from their past. The following quotations may vary slightly depending on the particular English subtitles. It was produced by the Japanese animation studio Bee Train and was licensed for American distribution by ADV Films.
Yuumura Kirika
- Make a pilgrimage for the past with me.
- Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two maidens who govern death. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
- Who am I? I am Noir.
- I can kill people so easily. Why then don't I feel sad?
- When I woke up, everything was there. My name and an inscription. All false. Who am I? I am... Noir. I couldn't remember any more than that. However, even when it was false, I had it in my hand.
- We are Noir! All those who fear the heart of darkness, make way!
- I knew it all along. Yes... I should have known. Only, a part of me wanted to believe there was a normal me somewhere. Only, I didn't want to know... But now I know... Please... Mireille... Don't look at me like that.
- If this cat has a name, then he's very different from me. He is only lost. I have no name. Yuumura Kirika is just a lie.
- Myself within the darkness. No, the darkness within my self.
- Noir is just a name!
Mireille Bouquet
- Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two maidens who govern death. To ward the darkness from the nursing babes, their black robes serve as shields.
- Firstly, my job is to kill people, not save them. Secondly, I have always worked alone, and I intend to keep it that way.
- I have no grave, but this should not sadden me. Because this is the path that I chose for myself. To be sure, this is not your grave... But... so what if it isn't?
- (To Kirika) The thread between us must surley be black. A thread darker and more profound than the darkness itself.
- But you'll stand aside if you fear the heart of darkness!
- It is a story which was told a very long time ago. In the past, ten centuries ago, there were those who had a vision of the world. At the end of the tenth century, the vision was carried out. Arrogant conspiracies of power. Many people were murdered. The old... the young... The worst atrocities people can do to one another. Such chaos was seen by the peoples' own eyes. Few survived that hell. Finally they realised the truth of their world. That the world is always full of desperation and vile people. Those who survived took an oath. That they would take revenge on the world. Saving the weak and the abused, spreading justice around the world. Absolute secrecy and an oath of loyalty. That was how Soldats was born. The blood of the Soldats will spread in the wilderness, and flow into the great river. Those who took the oath spread throughout the world, and hid in the shadows of society.
- If one can kill with love, it is possible to save with hate. The era may change, but the world of man never changes. The Earth is full of sadness whilst people commit despicable deeds. In spite of this, the heavens... the heavens maintain their silence whilst this happens. In the end, someone must carry the weight of the sins. Someone must... carry the sins... Originally, Soldats used two maidens as its symbol. Despite the fact that they believed in the word of God, the two maidens took up their swords. Such courage cannot be defeated even by thousands of knights, and they possessed as much the love of the Sacred Mother as the cruelty of death. The two maidens with black hands were the two hands of Soldats. Their name was... Noir.
- People commit sins. They cannot escape its grasp. Because this is human nature. This at least, allows us to soil our hands for the people. The original sins that Soldats received on the account of others are an expiation for human nature. Noir adds to the sins and history repeats itself. Repeating... for ever... Noir will add to the sins.
- Noir... It is the name of an ancient fate. Two maidens who govern death. To the depths of hell's fire, their black souls lure the lost children.
- I am the True Noir.
- We can see who's faster if you like.
- I made a promise to the General. If at all possible, I would like to keep that promise.
- I will do anything if it is for Altena or you.
- Altena, to be loved by you is bliss.
Minor characters
- Those who are starving can be strong indeed.
- Don Luccio Greone
- There is an old Sicilian proverb, "Revenge is the greatest act of forgiveness."
- To wash out blood, you must first shed more blood.
- Silvana Greone, "The Intoccabile"
- [In Kirika's house after gun battle]
- Kirika: There we go.
- Mireille: That's an excellent field dressing. Did you train as a medic?
- Kirika: I don't know.
- Mireille: This is your house.
- Kirika: Yes...
- Mireille: But it isn't your house.
- Kirika: Yes. Yuumura Kirika, that's my name.
- Mireille: But it isn't really your name.
- Kirika: Yes.
- [At Kirika's school]
- Mireille: I've made the arrangements to leave the country.
- Kirika: Thank you.
- Mireille: So are you about finished?
- Kirika: Mmm...
- Mireille: I just can't imagine why anyone would want to say good-bye in a place like this.
- Kirika: You're right.
- Mireille: "Even when...I was in a crowd, I was always alone."
- Kirika: Huh?
- Mireille: "I'm afraid that's not mine. It's...Ernest Hemingway, I believe."
- Kirika: I'm ready to go now, Mireille.
- [Later, in France in Mireilles apartment]
- Mireille: You know what I do for a living, and for that I can't let you go. Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Kirika: Yes
- Mireille: Well, then I will help you. They are sure to come after us again. I have something I want to ask them. And when all this is over, I will kill you.
- Kirika: I will be waiting for that moment.
- [Mireille reads Kirika's letter]
- Kirika's letter: Mireille, I have a terrible premonition and so I am writing you this letter. Not long ago Cloe told me that Soldats is my home. I may... I may never be able to see you again. There is another me, I can feel it. I don't mind it if you kill me, however, when that time comes... and I don't have time for my final words, I could not bear that. Because there is... something I want to tell you. Mireille... I was alone. Always Alone. I never had anything. It was terrible and painful, however, I wasn't alone. When I found out Noir was a name for two, well, of course it was a suprise at first, but... My heart rejoiced. You were there for me. Mireille... I was happy because you were there... I was happy... truly happy... Mireille, whom I cherish. I cannot describe it in words... Thank you, Mireille. Thank you.
- Mireille: You fool.
- [A room at the Manor]
- Kirika: The smell of blood...
- Cloe: That's right. Over the centuries many lives were taken in this room.
- Kirika: Not only this room, this place reeks of death.
- Cloe: Yes. In this place you also...
- Kirika: This place is my home I suppose.
- Cloe: Yes. Would you like to come to my room?
- [Cloe's room]
- Cloe: We used to live here together, although it really was only for a short time. We were trained and raised seperately. You carried out missions even when you were very young. Including the mission in Corsica. That was a task worthy of a maiden with black hands, the figure of Noir. After seeing you that day, I swore to myself that I myself wanted to be like you. To be shoulder to shoulder with you to be venerated as the true Noir.
- Kirika: Are you saying that you became an assassin because you saw me?
- Cloe: Yes.
- [Mireille speaking with Beaufort, a high ranking Soldats leader]
- Mireille: I will go to the Manor
- Beaufort: Is that all?
- Mireille: Don't get me wrong, I'm not going for you. I'm going for my own sake. This does not change the fact that Soldats is my enemy.
- Beaufort: Do you want to be a mere assassin forever? Although you may be very skilled, an assassin is just a tool.
- Mireille: It's the path I chose for myself.
- Beaufort: If you join us, you will have immense power. Much more than your parents ever gained.
- Mireille: I have realised why my parents went against Soldats even when this meant losing everything. My partner has lived up to now with a seed of darkness planted in her heart. My parents probably thought, that they didn't want me to be like that. My parents were definitely Soldats, however, they were also parents who loved their daughter. That is all.
- Beaufort: What do you plan to do at the Manor? Will you save your partner?
- Mireille: Well, who knows? I can only say this. I will find out the identity of those who manipulated my family and my partner.
- Beaufort: Very well. Go and try it. The Manor is a place which has been lost in the darkness of history. Even if you return safely from there, the darkness will live on in various places around the world. Do you plan to take on the whole world alone?
- Mireille: Not necessarily alone.
- Beaufort: This may sound strange, but I wish you luck.
- [Amongst the ruins, Cloe prepares to kill Mireille]
- Cloe: In the past, this site was used by those who gave their lives for the darkness and presented themselves to the selection of the True Noir. You will die here. In other words, this is fate. Goodbye, Mireille Bouquet.
- [Kirika shoots knife out of Cloe's hand, and as a result Cloe attacks Kirika]
- Cloe: Why...? Why?! you LIAR!
- Kirika: Cloe, stop. Please.
- Cloe: And i had to watch you... living with her! and i KNEW! i KNEW! It... it... should have been me! It should have been me!
- Kirika: Please, Cloe. Stop already.
- [Cloe stops and then runs towards Mireille, drawing a knife]
- Kirika: Cloe!
- [Kirika kills Cloe with a fork]
- Cloe: Noir...
- Kirika: Cloe was... my other self... I can kill people, and it saddens me.
- [Episode 26: Final confrontation with Altena]
- Altena: The world is permeated by sin. However, Noir was always in the darkness, fighting for the abandoned children. The true face of the original Soldats, are two people who understand entirely the heart of the other. If love can kill, hate can also save. This is the authentic site of the ceremony, an unknown place, forgotten by time. Your pilgrimage ends here.
- Kirika: So many people have died. People of Soldats... Mireille's family... and Cloe... What for?!
- Altena: How silly... really so very silly. Even your mother said this; those who lose sight of the original intentions when they are conceived are stupid. However, at least they served as sacrificial lambs on your altar.
- Mireille: How could you? You!! You don't even deserve to be killed!
- Altena: In that case, I cannot help you. Come, shoot. Or your friend will die. Yes, many lives have been lost, taken by your own hands. Are you saying that you will have all these deaths be useless? You should know it as well as I do. You are Noir. Born in sin, raised in sin. A superior being, reining over death. Your only means of life is here/
- Kirika: I... I have...
- Altena: You have committed infinite sins as Noir. These sins will never disappear. There's no need to feel sad, for these sins are necessary as long as the world of man exists. And you were one of those chosen for this task. Now, pull the trigger. Kill me and live on as the True Noir.
- Odette (Kirika's flashback): Please, take care of Mireille.
- Mireille: Kirika!
- Kirika: Our hands are black... These sins will never dissappear...
- Altena: Noir!
- Kirika: However I... I will accept these sins as Yuumura Kirika! We are not who you think we are!
- [Final Scene: Mireille and Kirika leave the Manor to be confronted by Beaufort and a troop of Soldats men]
- Soldats officer:Noir?
- Kirika: You're wrong.
- Mireille: Make way if you fear the eternal darkness.
- Beaufort: What do you plan to do now? This is not over yet.
- Mireille: We will live on as we see fit. That is all.
- Beaufort: In the end the world is in darkness.
- Mireille: That is why... we seek the light.
- [They walk off into the darkness]
- Kirika: Mireille...
- Mireille: What is it?
- Kirika: What will we do now?
- Mireille: Right now I'd like to go back to Paris and have a nice hot tea. We'll talk later. What do you think?
- Kirika: It sounds good.
- Mireille: You're preparing the tea you know.
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