Oliver! is a British musical written by Lionel Bart, based on Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. It was first produced in the West End in 1960. It later appeared on Broadway in 1963 and was made into a film in 1968, starring Mark Lester, Oliver Reed and Ron Moody.
- In this life, one thing counts
In the bank, large amounts
I'm afraid these don't grow on trees,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
- Food, glorious food!
Hot sausage and mustard!
While we're in the mood
Cold jelly and custard!
Pease pudding and saveloys,
what next, is the question?
Rich gentlemen have it, boys:
- As long as her needs me.
Oh yes, he does need me.
In spite of what you see,
I'm sure that he needs me.
- Would you climb a hill? - Anything
Wear a daffodil? - Anything
Leave me all your will? - Anything
Even fight my Bill? - What fisticuffs?!
- Oliver Twist: Please sir, can I have some more?
- Fagin: Shut up and drink your gin
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