Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman is a 1990 film about a man in a legal but hurtful business who needs an escort for some social events, and hires a beautiful prostitute he meets... only to fall in love.
She walked off the street, into his life and stole his heart.
- Directed by Garry Marshall. Written by J.F. Lawton.
Edward Lewis
- You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money.
- Impossible relationships. My special gift is impossible relationships.
Vivian Ward
- [to Edward] If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.
- I want the fairy tale.
- I'm actually no, I'm not a planner. I wouldn't say I'm a planner. I would say I'm a kinda fly by the seat of my pants gal. You know moment to moment, yeah that's me, that's...yeah"
- Hey sugar, looking for a date?...Sure, for five bucks!...Price just went up to ten...I can do anything I want to baby, I ain't lost!
- Ho man, this baby must corner like it's on rails!
- Honey, I've got a runner in my panty hose...I'm not wearing panty hose. "I know thats right"
- People always do what you tell them to do? ...I guess so.
- The #1 guy I've ever loved was a total nothing. The #2 was worse. My mom called me a bum magnet. There was a bum in a fifty mile Radius, I was completely attracted to him.
- The bad things are easier to believe. Haven't you noticed that?!
- You'll buy a snap dog and we'll cop a squat under a tree or somewhere. "I know thats right"
- I think you have a lot of special gifts Edward.
Kit De Luca
- Yo, Viv, babe. Would ya come down here? The Sphincter Police won't let me through.
- Fifty bucks, Grandpa. For seventy-five, the wife can watch.
- Philip Stuckey: [about Morse] He mortgaged everything he owns, right down to his underwear, to secure a loan from the bank.
- Magician at party: No matter what they say, it's all about money. So let's imagine, ladies, that you're a savings and loan officer. Watch - one, two, three; see, you've got it all, and we've got nothing. You've got all four, take a look.
- Happy Man: Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody comes here; this is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don't; but keep on dreamin' - this is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'.
- Edward: When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?
- Susan: She was one of my bridesmaids.
- Vivian: Wait a minute — that's a Lotus Esprit!
- Kit: No, that's rent. You should go for him. You look hot tonight. Don't take less than a hundred. Call me when you're through… Take care you.
- Vivian: Take care you.
- Vivian: Hey, sugar, you lookin' for a date?
- Edward: No, I want to find Beverly Hills. Can you give me directions?
- Vivian: Sure. For five bucks.
- Edward: Ridiculous.
- Vivian: Price just went up to ten.
- Edward: You can't charge me for directions!
- Vivian: I can do anything I want to, baby. I ain't lost.
- Edward: I hadn't exactly planned this.
- Vivian: Do you plan everything?
- Edward: Always.
- Vivian: Yeah me too! I'm actually, no I'm not a planner. I would say I'm a kinda fly by the seat of your pants gal, you know moment to moment. Yeah that's me, that's...yeah.
- Edward: I guess this is not the greatest time to be a hooker, is it?
- Vivian: Look, I use condoms always. I get checked out once a month at the free clinic. Not only am I better in the sack than an amateur, I am probably safer.
- Edward: I like that; that's very good. You should have that printed on your business card.
- Vivian: If you're makin' fun of me, I don't like it.
- Edward: [laughs] No, I'm not making fun of you. No, I don't. I'm not. I wouldn't offend you. I'm sorry. What's your name?
- Vivian: What do you want it to be?
- Vivian: Man, this baby must corner like it's on rails!
- Edward: Beg your pardon?
- Vivian: Well, doesn't it blow your mind? This is only four cylinders!
- Edward: Tell me, what kind of… what kind of money you girls make these days? Ballpark.
- Vivian: Can't take less than a hundred dollars.
- Edward: Hundred dollars a night?
- Vivian: For an hour.
- Edward: An hour? You make a hundred dollars an hour and you got a safety pin holding your boot up? You gotta be joking.
- Vivian: I never joke about money.
- Edward: Neither do I.
- [He turns to her.]
- Edward: Hundred dollars a hour. Pretty stiff.
- [She reaches over into his lap.]
- Vivian: Well, no… but it's got potential.
- Vivian: What is your name?
- Edward: Edward.
- Vivian: Edward? That's my favorite name in the whole world!
- Edward: [mock seriously] No!
- [A well-dressed couple observe Edward and the scantily-clad Vivian as an elevator arrives.]
- Vivian: Well, color me happy! There's a sofa in here for two!
- [The man moves to enter, but his wife stops him. A chagrined Edward turns to the couple.]
- Edward: First time in an elevator.
- Woman: Ah.
- [Edward enters. The woman turns to her husband.]
- Woman: Close your mouth, dear.
- Vivian: Wow! Great view! I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.
- Edward: I'll take your word for it. I don't go out there.
- Vivian: Why don't you go out there?
- Edward: I'm afraid of heights.
- Vivian: You are? So how come you rented the penthouse?
- Edward: It's the best. I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor, but I can't find one.
- Vivian: Well, now that you got me here, what are you going to do with me?
- Edward: You wanna know something? I don't have a clue.
- Vivian: You know, you could pay me. That's one way to, maybe, break the ice.
- [Vivian hops up onto Edward's desk in a sultry pose.]
- Edward: You're on my fax.
- Vivian: Well, that's one I haven't been on before.
- [Vivian pulls a fistful of condoms from her purse.]
- Vivian: Pick one. I got red, I got green, I got yellow… I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left… the condom of champions, the one and only… nothin' is gettin' through this sucker. Whaddya say, hmm?
- Edward: A buffet of safety.
- Vivian: I'm a safety girl.
- Vivian: Edward, are you in town on, uh, business or pleasure?
- Edward: Business, I think.
- Vivian: Business, you think. Well… let me guess. That would make you… a lawyer.
- Edward: A lawyer?
- Vivian: Umm-hmm.
- Edward: What makes you think I'm a lawyer?
- Vivian: You've got that, um… sharp, useless look about you.
- Vivian: Listen, I… I appreciate this whole seduction scene you've got goin', but let me give you a tip — I'm a sure thing, okay? So… I'm on an hourly rate. Could we just move it along?
- Edward: Somehow, I'm sensing that this time problem is a major issue with you. Why don't we just get through that right now.
- Vivian: Great! Let's get started.
- Edward: How much for the entire night?
- Vivian: Stay here? [small laugh] You couldn't afford it.
- Edward: Try me.
- Vivian: 300 dollars.
- Edward: Done. Thank you. Now we can relax.
- [A flummoxed Vivian gets up.]
- Vivian: Are you sure you want me to stay for the entire night? I mean, I could just pop ya good and be on my way.
- Edward: To tell you the truth, I don't feel like being alone tonight.
- Vivian: Why, is it your birthday, or something?
- Edward: No.
- Vivian: I mean, I have been the party at a couple of birthdays.
- Edward: Hmpf. I bet you have.
- Edward: Oh, by the way, Phil — about your car…
- Philip Stuckey: Oh God. What?
- Edward: It corners like it's on rails.
- Philip Stuckey: What?! What does that mean? Edward… Edward…
- [Grinning, Edward hangs up.]
- Vivian: [after Edward catches her singing along to "Kiss" by Prince in the tub] Don't you just love Prince?
- Edward: More than life itself.
- [Fumbling with his tie, Edward tells Vivian about his business.]
- Vivian: You don't actually have a billion dollars, huh?
- Edward: No. I get some of it from banks, investors… it's not an easy thing to do.
- Vivian: And you don't make anything…
- Edward: No.
- Vivian: … and you don't build anything.
- Edward: No.
- Vivian: So whadda ya do with the companies once you buy 'em?
- Edward: I sell them.
- [Viv reaches for his tie.]
- Vivian: Here, let me do that. You sell them.
- Edward: Well, I… don't sell the whole company, I break it up into pieces, and then I sell that off, it's worth more than the whole.
- Vivian: So, it's sort of like, um… stealing cars and selling 'em for parts, right?
- Edward: [sighs exasperatedly] Yeah, sort of. But legal.
- Edward: I will pay you to be at my beck and call.
- Vivian: Look, I'd love to be your beck-and-call girl, but…
- Edward: Any questions?
- Vivian: Can I call you Eddie?
- Edward: Not if you expect me to answer.
- Vivian: I would have stayed for two thousand.
- Edward: I would have paid four. I'll see ya tonight.
- Vivian: Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.
- Edward: Three thousand, for six days, and Vivian, I will let you go.
- Vivian: I called and called! Where were you last night?
- Kit: Ma?
- Thompson: Now, Mr. Lewis, however, is a very special customer, and we like to think of our special customers as friends. Now, as a customer, we would expect Mr. Lewis to sign in any additional guests, but as a friend, we're willing to overlook it. Now, I'm assuming that you're a… [long pause] … relative?
- Vivian: [meekly] Yes.
- Thompson: I thought so. Then you must be his…
- [Thompson gives Vivian an expectant nod. Another long pause.]
- Vivian: Niece?
- Thompson: Of course. Naturally, when Mr. Lewis leaves, I won't see you in this hotel again. I assume you have no other uncles here?
- Bridget: Now, I'm sure we're gonna find something here that your uncle would love.
- Vivian: Bridg? He's not really my uncle.
- Bridget: They never are, dear.
- Vivian: Hello!
- Edward: Never, ever pick up the phone.
- Vivian: Then why're you calling me?
- Vivian: All right. I'll meet you in the lobby, but only 'cause your payin' me to.
- Edward: Well, thank you very much.
- [He hangs up the phone and turns to the receptionist.]
- Edward: Get her back for me, please.
- Vivian: 'Lo?
- Edward: I told you not to pick up the phone.
- Vivian: Then stop callin me.
- [Edward snickers and hangs up.]
- Vivian: [grinning] Sick.
- Thompson: I have a message for you, sir.
- Edward: From who?
- Thompson: Ah, from your niece, sir.
- Edward: My what?
- Thompson: The young lady who's staying in your room, sir.
- Edward: Oh. Hmm. I think we both know that she's not my niece.
- Thompson: Of course.
- Edward: The reason I know that, is that I am an only child.
- Vivian: You're late.
- Edward: You're stunning.
- Vivian: [grinning] You're forgiven.
- [Vivian accidentally launches an escargot, which is deftly caught by the mâitre-d.]
- Vivian: Slippery little suckers.
- Mâitre-D: It happens all the time.
- Vivian: Let's watch old movies all night… we'll just veg out in front of the TV.
- Edward: "Veg out"?
- Vivian: Yeah. Be still like vegetables. Lay like broccoli.
- Edward: Look, I'll tell ya what. I'll be back. We'll do broccoli tomorrow.
- Vivian: The stores are not nice to people — I don't like it.
- Edward: Stores are never nice to people. They're nice to credit cards.
- Edward: You see this young lady over here?
- Hollister: Yes.
- Edward: Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?
- Hollister: Oh, yes.
- [Edward gives Hollister a look.]
- Hollister: Oh, no! No, no! No. I'm saying we have many things as beautiful as she… would want them to be! [babbling] That's the point I was getting at. And I think we can all agree with that. That's why, when you came in here, you knew from the first—
- Edward: You know what we're gonna need here? We're going to need a few more people helping us out. I'll tell you why. We are going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here. So we're going to need a lot more help sucking up to us, 'cause that's what we really like.
- Hollister: Ohhhh!
- Edward: You understand that.
- Hollister: Sir, if I may say so, you're in the right store, and the right city, for that matter!
- Hollister: Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just… profane, or really offensive?
- Edward: Really offensive.
- Hollister: [to himself] I like him so much.
- Hollister: Mr. Lewis? How's it going so far?
- Edward: Pretty well, I think. I think we need some major sucking up.
- Hollister: Very well, sir. You're… not only handsome, but a powerful man. I could see the second you walked in here, you were someone to reckon with…
- Edward: Hollister.
- Hollister: Yes, sir?
- Edward: Not me. Her.
- [Vivian, smartly dressed and carrying many bags, stops in at yesterday's clothing store.]
- Vivian: Do you remember me?
- Salesperson: No, I'm sorry.
- Vivian: I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me?
- Salesperson: Oh.
- Vivian: You work on commission, right?
- Salesperson: Ah, yes.
- Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge! [turns away] I have to go shopping now!
- Edward: I was very angry with him. It cost me ten thousand dollars in therapy to say that sentence: "I was very angry him." I do it very well, don't I? I'll say it again: I was very angry with him. "Hello, my name is Mr. Lewis, I am very angry with my father."
- Vivian: I would've been angry at the ten thousand dollars.
- Vivian: Did I mention… my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe, so basically, we're talkin' about…
- [She wraps her legs around Edward.]
- Vivian: … 88 inches of therapy… wrapped around you, for the bargain price of…
- Edward and Vivian: [in unison] … three thousand dollars!
- Gretchen: Edward's our most eligible bachelor. Everybody is trying to land him.
- Vivian: Well, I'm not trying to land him. I'm just using him for sex.
- Elizabeth Stuckey: '[about Vivian] She's sweet, Edward! Wherever did you find her?
- Edward: 976-BABE.
- Vivian: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.
- Edward: I think you… are a very bright, very special woman.
- Vivian: The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?
- Matron: Did you enjoy the opera, dear?
- Vivian: Oh, it was so good, I almost peed my pants!
- [Vivian walks off.]
- Matron: Wha—?
- Edward: She said she liked it better than The Pirates of Penzance.
- [Edward offers Vivian a condo, car, and a shopping allowance.]
- Vivian: What else? You going to leave some money by the bed when you pass through town?
- Edward: Vivian, it really wouldn't be like that.
- Vivian: How would it be?
- Edward: Well, for one thing, it would get you off the streets.
- Vivian: That's just geography.
- Edward: Vivian, what is it you want? What do you see happening between us?
- Vivian: I don't know. When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often. And I would… I would pretend I was a princess, trapped in the tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly, this knight, on a white horse, with these colors flying, would come charging up and draw his sword… and I would wave, and he would climb up the tower, and rescue me. But never in all the time… that I had this dream… did the knight say to me, "Come on, baby, I'll put you up in a great condo."
- Edward: I've never treated you like a prostitute.
- [He walks away.]
- Vivian: You just did.
- Kit: Maybe you guys could, like, um… you know, get a house together, and like, buy some diamonds, and a horse — I don't know. Anyway… it could work! It happens!
- Vivian: When does it happen, Kit?
- Vivian: I just wanna know who it works out for. You give me one example of somebody that we know that it happened for.
- [They start talking over each other.]
- Kit: Name someone? You want me to name someone?
- Vivian: Yeah, you know a person that it's worked for.
- Kit: You want me to, like, give you a name, or something?
- Vivian: Yeah, I'd like a name.
- Kit: Oh, God, the pressure of a name… Cinde-fucking-rella!
- Edward: So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?
- Vivian: She rescues him right back.
Major cast
- Richard Gere — Edward Lewis
- Julia Roberts — Vivian Ward
- Ralph Bellamy — James Morse
- Jason Alexander — Philip Stuckey
- Laura San Giacomo — Kit De Luca
- Alex Hyde-White — David Morse
- Amy Yasbeck — Elizabeth Stuckey
- Elinor Donahue — Bridget
- Hector Elizondo — Hotel Manager Barney Thompson
- Larry Miller — Mr. Hollister
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