The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea is a 2000 Disney animated feature film and direct-to-video sequel to the 1989 animated film The Little Mermaid. Directed by Jim Kammerud and Brian Smith, the story takes place over a decade after the original film, and focuses on Ariel's and Eric's daughter Melody, a human princess who longs to swim in the ocean despite her parents' law that the sea is forbidden to her. This sequel stars the voices of Jodi Benson as Ariel, Tara Strong as Melody and Pat Carroll as Morgana, the film's new villain.
- One minute you're on top, the next you're sushi. Now is that fair, I ask you?
- STOP CRITICIZING ME! That's all my mother ever did was criticize me. It was always "Ursula this", or "Ursula that", or "Morgana, why can't you be more like your sister... URSULA!!"
- Hungry? Afraid all I have is a cold plate.
- (to Melody) You're not the only one with a mother who doesn't understand you. BELIEVE me.
- Oh, wishes do come true. (to sky) SEE THAT, MA? WHO'S YOUR FAVOURITE NOW?!
- "Sebastian, you watch over her," he said. I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS! A crab my age should be retired! Getting a tan! Playing sea golf! SIPPING A TUNA COLADA!! Not babysitting another teenager.
- (In another chase with Louis) C'mon, now. No, Louis! I'm OLD! I'm not tender anymore!!
- Now, when I was a teenager, you couldn't even get me out of my shell. And I had this high squeaky voice and itty-bitty pinchers! Now, I sound like Razzo, and these whoppers pop out!
- Make way, little mershrimp! I'm comin' through!
- (After being shrunk) What have you done you me?! Look at me! I'm an anchovy!!
- Louis: [chasing Sebastian] You're going in ze bouillabaise!
- Ariel: I miss you, Daddy. I wish you could be right here with us.
- Eric: You know these waters, and you know our daughter.
- Melody: Grandfather, this belongs to you. [tosses the trident to King Triton, who catches it]
- Triton: [referring to Melody] Sebastian, you will watch over her.
- Sebastian: Me? Aww!
- [Sebastian falls off a rock into the sea.]
- Melody: Hey, Scuttle! Hey, Sebastian! What's kickin'?
- Scuttle: Uh, what's kickin'? Hmm... let me see. [he knocks on his head] Don't rush me!
- Sebastian: Ha! You know perfectly well what's kicking!
- Sebastian: Melody, child, how many times do I have to tell you?
- Melody and Sebastian: It is expressly forbidden for you to be swimming...
- Melody: ...beyond the safety of the sea wall.
- Sebastian: ...beyond the safety of the sea wall.
- Melody: Any such swimmin' is a reckless disregard of da rules. Don't you know?
- [They are silent for a moment.]
- Sebastian: Stop dat.
- Melody: Oh, Sebastian, I can't help it. I just love the sea!
- Ariel: We'll be right down. Just give us two minutes.
- Eric: Right, two... Now, where have I heard that line before?
- Melody: What's wrong with me?
- Ariel: Oh, nothing's wrong with you.
- Melody: Mom, I'm the princess of disaster!
- Ariel: Being a teenager is hard, and, uh, all kids your age feel... awkward, and...
- Melody: [looking at her locket] "Melody?" My name's on here. [she opens it] That song. Where have I heard it? It's Atlantica, with merpeople and everything. Mother, you always said it was just an old fish tale! [Ariel snaps the locket shut]
- Ariel: Where did you get this?
- Melody: I... I found it.
- Ariel: You went over the wall, didn't you?
- Melody: Actually, I went under it. I HATE that stupid wall.
- Ariel: Melody, you know you're not allowed in the sea!
- Melody: But why? And why does that necklace have my name on it?
- Ariel: Melody, listen to me.
- Melody: You're hiding something from me.
- Ariel: Y-you deliberately disobeyed me! I never want you going out there again, do you hear me? It's dangerous in the sea!
- Melody: How would you know? You've never even been in it! [rushes out]
- Tip: C'mon, Miss Popularity. We have a previous engagement, remember? [drags Melody away]
- Merboy: Was that a... penguin?
- Undertow: Grr.
- Flounder: "Grr" yourself, pipsqueak.
- Undertow: Well, it's not Ursula's fault I got miniturized. It's your's!
- Morgana: It is not!
- Undertow: Your fault we had to hide out here for twelve frost-bitten YEARS!
- Morgana: IS NOT!
- Morgana: You're really pushing it, small-fry.
- Melody: Hi. I'm Melody.
- Dash: This here's Tip, and I'm Dash.
- Tip: Excuse me, Mr. I-Spill-My-Guts-To-Total-Strangers. You just blew our cover!
- Dash: I was just tryin' to be friendly.
- Melody: Guys, I really have to get going, so if you could...
- Dash: Aww, see? Now she's gonna leave, and it's all your fault.
- Tip: My fault?! She's...she's...she's probably allergic to blubber!
- Dash: Oh, yeah? Well...maybe she doesn't like BIRDS THAT CAN'T FLY!!!
- [Tip gasps dramatically]
- Melody: Guys...
- Tip: Well, you can't fly, either!
- Dash: And...you walk funny.
- Melody: Guys!
- Tip: Oh, YEAH?! Well...um...YOU CAN'T FLY EITHER!!!
- Melody: GUYS!! [The bickering duo finally stop] Do either of you know how to get to Atlantica? I don't have much time.
- Dash: Why do you want to go to Atlantica?
- Melody: I have to get something that was stolen from a friend. [shows them her tail] If not...I'll turn back into a...
- Dash: A what? Turn back into a what?
- Melody: A human.
- Tip: [startled gasp] I knew there was something UN-fishy about you! [turns to leave] Tough break, sister. Drop us a line. Let us know how it all turns out.
- Dash: [Stops Tip with a fore-flipper and turns him around.] We'll take you!
- Melody: You will?
- Tip: We WILL?!
- Dash: She's a damsel in distess. It's our BIG chance.
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