Toy Story 2
Toy Story 2

Toy Story 2 is a 1999 film about toys who come to life when their owner leaves the room, and their adventures trying to rescue one of their members after he is stolen by Al...an obnoxious toy collector.
The Toys Are Back In Town! taglines
- Directed by John Lasseter, Ash Brannon and Lee Unkrich. Written by John Lasseter, Peter Docter, Ash Brannon, Andrew Stanton, Rita Hsiao. Doug Chamberlain and Chris Webb.
- [frustrated that he can't find his hat] This'll be the first year I'll miss Cowboy Camp, all because of my stupid hat!
- [voicebox] There's a snake in my boot.
- Ride like the wind, Bullseye!
- You're right, Prospector. I can't stop Andy from growing up. But I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Buzz Lightyear
- [as the toys depart to rescue Woody] To Al's Toy Barn... and beyond!
- Woody once risked his life to save me. I couldn't call myself his friend if I weren't willing to do the same. So, who's with me?
- [As the second Buzz shoves him into a box] Listen to me! Listen to me! You're not really a space ranger! You're a toy! We're all toys! Do you hear me?!
- [As the toys take the second Buzz instead of himself] No, no, guys! You've got the wrong Buzz! You've got the wrong Buzz!
- [To Woody] Woody, you're not a collector's item, you're a child's plaything. You... are... A TOY!! [the exact same thing Woody said to him in Toy Story]
- [catches Woody's hat from falling] What's a cowboy without his hat?!
- [to Woody] Yeee-HAAAAAAAA!!! It's you! It's you! It's you! It's you! It's really you!
- You never forget kids like Emily or Andy...but they forget you.
- [after she and Woody have successfully escaped from Al's plane to Japan] That was definitely "Woody's Finest Hour"!
Al McWhiggin
- You, my little cowboy friend, are going to make me big buck-buck-bucks!
- [takes snapshots of Woody and his Roundup gang] It's like printing my own money!
- To overnight 6 packages to Japan is how much? What? That's in yen, right? Dollars?! D'OH! You are deliberately takin' advantage of people in a hurry! Ya know that?!
- Wheezy: What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one step away from here, to there. [he points out the window to a yard sale]
- Green aliens: [to Mr. Potato Head, after he saved them from flying out of the car window] You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
- [Buzz leaps onto the car, which takes off the track, spins through the loop, and goes off a jump, where Buzz jumps off and lands next to Woody to help him up]
- Buzz: Woody, are you all right?
- Woody: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Buzz. Okay. Here's your list of things to do while I'm gone. Batteries need to be changed. Toys in the bottom of the chest need to be rotated. Oh, and make sure everyone attends Mr. Spell's seminar on what to do if you or a part of you is swallowed. Okay? Okay, good. Okay.
- Buzz: Woody, you haven't found your hat yet, have you?
- Woody: No! And Andy's leaving for Cowboy Camp any minute, and I can't find it anywhere!
- Buzz: Don't worry, Woody. In just a few hours, you'll be sittin' around a campfire with Andy makin' delicious hot "sch'moes".
- Woody: They're called s'mores, Buzz.
- Buzz: Right. Right. Of course.
- [Geri the cleaner rings the bell at Al's apartment. Al opens the door]
- Al: Oh, thank goodness you're here.
- Geri: Is the specimen ready for cleaning?
- [Geri sets his tools up and ready to fix and clean Woody]
- Al: So, uh, how long is this gonna take?
- Geri: You can't rush art.
- [After minutes of process, Geri has finished fixing and cleaning Woody and places him back into the glass case]
- Geri: Here you go. [he closes the case] He's for display only. Ya handle him too much, he's not gonna last.
- Al: (excitedly) Oh, it's amazing! You're a genius! He's just like NEW!
- [Woody walks over to Jessie, who is sitting at the window, depressed, looking outside]
- Woody: Look, Jessie, I know you hate me for leaving, but I have to go back. I'm still Andy's toy. Well, if you knew him, you'd understand. See, Andy's--
- Jessie: [sarcastically] Let me guess. Andy's a real special kid, and to him, you're his buddy, his best friend, and when Andy plays with you it's like... even though you're not moving, you feel like you're alive,... because that's how he sees you.
- Woody: How did you know that?
- Jessie: Because Emily was just the same. She was my whole world.
- [In the video game, Buzz reaches for Zurg's power source, only to find that it is a mirage. Suddenly, it disappears and Zurg emerges out from the center of the stage]
- Zurg: So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the last time!
- Buzz: Not today, Zurg!
- [Both start battling, with Buzz holding a footprint that fell down after he was jumping to each one and fell down. Buzz throws the footprint to Zurg and groans, then Buzz jumps over and Zurg blasts the top half of Buzz's body off, then laughs maniacally. The words "Game Over" then appears.]
- Rex: [in disbelief] Oh, no! No! No, no, no, no!
- Buzz: Oh, you almost had him!
- Rex: I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!
- Buzz: Sure, you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am.
- Rex: But look at my little arms! I can't press the "fire" button and jump at the same time!
- [After Buzz kicks a display of toys and games at the front and all the toys and games fall down, one of them with the Zurg action figure, Zurg pops out of box, then Zurg chases Buzz]
- Zurg: [laughing] Destroy Buzz Lightyear! Destroy Buzz Lightyear! Destroy Buzz Lightyear!
- [The toys head for the elevator where they encounter a Zurg action figure]
- Zurg: So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the last time!
- Rex and Buzz #2: AAH! It's Zurg!
- Rex: Watch out! He's got an ion blaster!
- [Zurg fires at Buzz #2, and Buzz #2 jumps into battle with Zurg]
- Zurg: Surrender, Buzz Lightyear. I have won!
- Buzz #2: I'll never give in! You killed my father!
- Zurg: No, Buzz. I am your father!
- Buzz #2: NO!!!
- Rex: Buzz, you could've defeated Zurg all along. Ya just need to believe in yourself!
- Zurg: Prepare to die!
- Rex: Aaaah! I can't look!
- [As Rex turns away, he knocks Zurg down the elevator shaft with his tail]
- Rex: I did it. I finally defeated Zurg!
- Buzz #2: [forlornly reaches down to the abyss] Father.
- Bo: This is for Woody, when you find him.
- [She gives Buzz a kiss]
- Buzz: [coughs] Um, okay, but I don't think it'll mean the same coming from me.
- Wheezy: Mr. Buzz Lightyear, you just gotta save my pal Woody. [He coughs and wheezes]
- Buzz: I'll do my best, son.
- Rex: What are we gonna do, Buzz?!
- Buzz #2: Use your head!
- [Cut to the toys using Rex as a battering ram]
- Rex: But I don't wanna use my head!
- [All toys scream and ram the vent open]
- Woody: Buzz. Help, Buzz! Guys!
- Prospector: It's too late, Woody! That silly Buzz Lightweight can't help you.
- Woody: His name is Buzz Lightyear!
- Prospector: Whatever! I've always hated those upstart space toys.
- Hamm: Hey, Buzz? Can we slow down? May I remind you that some of us are caring over $6 in change.
- Rex: Losing health units. Must rest.
- Buzz: Is everyone present and accounted for?
- Mr. Potato Head: Not quite everybody.
- Buzz: Who's behind?
- Slinky: Mine.
- Buzz: Good work, men. 2 blocks down, and only 19 more to go.
- Rex: What?!
- Other toys: 19?!
- Mr. Potato Head: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.
- Buzz: Come on, fellas! Did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?
- Other toys: No.
- Buzz: No! And did he give up when you all threw him out of that moving van?
- Mr. Potato Head: Oh, ya had to bring that up.
- Buzz: No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we will not rest until he's safe in Andy's room! Now let's move out!
- [Buzz reaches for Buzz #2's utility belt. Suddenly, Buzz #2 grabs Buzz's arm]
- Buzz: Ow! What are you doing?
- Buzz #2: You're in direct violation of code 6404.5, stating all Space Rangers are to be in hyper-sleep until awakened by authorized personnel.
- Buzz: Oh, no.
- Buzz #2: [presses Buzz against the display case] You're breakin' ranks, Ranger! [opens his wrist communicator] Buzz Lightyear to Star Command: I've got an AWOL Space Ranger.
- Buzz: Tell me I wasn't this deluded.
- Buzz #2: No back talk! I have a laser, and I will use it.
- Buzz: You mean a laser that's a light bulb? [activates Buzz #2's "laser"]
- [Buzz #2 gasps, then jumps onto the moon]
- Buzz #2: Has your mind been melded?! You could've killed me, Space Ranger! Or should I say "traitor"?! [turns on "laser", which beams down on Buzz's forehead]
- Buzz: I don't have time for this. [walks away]
- Buzz #2: [keeping his "laser beam" on Buzz] Halt! I order you to halt!
- Slinky: We've been down this aisle already.
- Mr. Potato Head: We haven't been down this aisle. It's pink!
- Slinky: Face it, we're lost.
- Woody: [after his arm finally rips completely off] AAH! It's gone! I can't believe it! My arm is completely gone!
- Prospector: All right, come here. Come on. Let me see that. Oh, it's just a popped seam. Easily repaired! You should consider yourself lucky.
- Woody: Lucky?! Are you shrink-wrapped?! I am missing my arm!
- Jessie: Big deal! [shoots a plunger onto a cardboard display of Woody] Let him go! I'm sure his precious "Andy" is dying to play with a one-armed cowboy doll.
- Prospector: Now, Jessie, you know that he wouldn't last an hour on the streets in his condition. It's a dangerous world out there for a toy.
- [after Al leaves the room with Woody's broken arm]
- Woody: What is your problem? Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that!
- Jessie: What? You think I did that?
- Woody: Oh, right, right. The TV just happened to turn on, and the remote magically ended up in front of you!
- Jessie: You callin' me a liar?!
- Woody: Well, if the boot fits...
- Jessie: [quietly] Say that again.
- Woody: [enunciating] If the boot... fits.
- Jessie: [ominously] Okay, cowboy.
- [Jessie jumps on Woody and the two start fighting]
- Aliens: You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
- Mr. Potato Head: Oh, no.
- Mrs. Potato Head: You saved their lives?! Oh, my hero! And they're so adorable! Let's adopt them!
- Aliens: [embrace Mr. Potato Head] Daddy.
- Woody: I don't have a choice, Buzz. This is my only chance.
- Buzz: To do what, Woody? Watch kids from behind glass and never be loved again? Some life.
- Slinky: Pardon me, gentlemen, but have either of you seen a cowboy doll with a bad arm?
- Blue Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: Why, no, I haven't.
- Red Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: Hey! He was talkin' to me!
- Blue Robot: No! He was talkin' to me!!
- Red Robot: Why, you! I'll...!!!
- [They start fighting each other until Blue wins]
- Buzz: We'll be back before Andy gets home.
- Mrs. Potato Head: Don't talk to any toy ya don't know!
- Buzz: To Al's Toy Barn and beyond!
- Buzz: Hold it right there!
- All toys: Buzz?!
- Buzz #2: You again?!
- Buzz: Woody! Thank goodness you're all right!
- Woody: Buzz, what is going on?!
- Buzz #2: Hold on! I am Buzz Lightyear, and I'm in charge of this detachment.
- Buzz: No. I'm Buzz Lightyear.
- Buzz #2: I am Buzz Lightyear!
- Buzz: I'm Buzz Lightyear!
- Woody: So, who's the real Buzz?
- Buzzes: I AM!!
- Buzz #2: Don't let this impostor fool you! He's been trained by Zurg himself to mimic my every move.
- Buzz #2: Will somebody please explain what's going on?
- Buzz: It's all right, space ranger. It's a code 546.
- Buzz #2: [gasps] You mean it's a...?
- Buzz: Yes.
- Buzz #2: And he's a...?
- Buzz: Oh, yeah.
- [Buzz #2 runs up to Woody and gets down on his knees]
- Buzz #2: Your Majesty!
- [Stinky Pete is out of his box, and is tightening the screw back onto the heat duct.]
- Jessie: Prospector?!
- Woody: You're outta your box!
- Prospector: I tried to reason with you, Woody, but you keep forcing me to take extreme measures. (turns off the TV with his pick)
- Woody: Wait a minute. You turned on the TV last night! Not Jessie!
- Prospector: Look, we have an eternity to spend together in the museum. Let's not start by pointing fingers, shall we?
- Woody: You really are Stinky Pete, aren't you?!
- Jessie: Prospector, this isn't fair!
- Prospector: FAIR?! I'll tell you what's not fair: Spending a lifetime on a dime store shelf watching every other toy be sold! Well, finally, my waiting has paid off, and no hand-me-down cowboy doll is gonna mess it up for me now!
- Prospector: Idiots! Children destroy toys! You'll be ruined! Forgotten! Spending eternity rotting on some landfill!
- Woody: Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime. [points to something off-screen] Right over there, guys!
- Prospector: No. No! NO!! [The toys place him into a Barbie backpack]
- [Last lines]
- Buzz: You still worried?
- Woody: About Andy? Nah. I'll be fun while it lasts.
- Buzz: I'm proud of you, cowboy.
- Woody: Besides, when it all ends, I'll have ol' Buzz Lightyear to keep me company, for infinity and beyond.
- Buzz: [after seeing "THIS SPACE FOR RENT" on his wings] Darn it, Woody!
- Rex: What are we gonna do, Buzz?
- Buzz: Use your head.
- [Cut to the toys using Rex as a battering ram]
- Rex: But I don't wanna use my head!
- [all toys scream, but the vent is screwed on, therefore Rex could not ram the vent open and they could not break in]
- Rex: Oww!
- Buzz #2: [burps] Whew, I don't remember eating that!
- Buzz #2's [talking to each other]: [all groan] I can't believe it! That's the 5th time! What's was that guy in?
- Buzz #2: Sorry, everyone, I had that bean burrito for lunch. Okay, I'm alright now. Sorry.
- [in segment 1]
- Mrs. Potato Head: I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes just in case. And if you get hungry, here's some cheese puffs and a key. I don't know what it's for, but you never know.
- [in segment 2]
- Mrs. Potato Head: And a golf ball, if you have time for golf, and a plastic steak, and a rubber ducky, and a yo-yo.
- [in segment 3]
- Mrs. Potato Head: And an extra bouncy-bouncy ball, and some extra teeth. Be careful, they chatter.
- Mr. Potato Head: [teeth chatter and Mr. Potato Head jumps up] Whoa!
- [in segment 4]
- Mrs. Potato Head: And crayons in case you get bored, and some blue Play-Doh.
- [Mr. Potato Head grunts as it doesn't fit, and it also causes his ears to pop out and making spaghetti-molded Play-Doh, but Mr. Potato Head holds his eyes, nose, and mouth to keep them in position without popping]
- [in segment 5]
- Mrs. Potato Head: And a dime, call me, and monkey chow.
- Mr. Potato Head: Monkey chow? For what?
- Mrs. Potato Head: Well, for the monkeys, of course! Come on, monkeys!
- [the monkeys from the Barrel of Monkeys (as seen in the original Toy Story) come along and get carried away]
- Mr. Potato Head: That's it! I draw the line at monkeys! Get my agent on the phone!
- Jessie: [Jessie pulls Woody's string, but it comes off and Woody crashes into the box with styrofoam (and possibly Stinky Pete "mint in the box"!) Woo-Wa!
- [Woody laughs throughout, Jessie also laughs]
- Jessie: Can--should we just--should that just be part of the movie now? He lost his string. [laughs]
- Tom Hanks — Woody
- Tim Allen — Buzz Lightyear / Buzz Lightyear #2
- Joan Cusack — Jessie
- Kelsey Grammer — Stinky Pete the Prospector
- Don Rickles — Mr. Potato Head
- John Ratzenberger — Hamm
- Wallace Shawn — Rex
- Jim Varney — Slinky Dog
- Estelle Harris — Mrs. Potato Head
- Jodi Benson — Tour Guide Barbie
- Wayne Knight — Al McWiggin
- Annie Potts — Bo Peep
- Andrew Stanton — Evil Emperor Zurg
- Jeff Pidgeon — Green Aliens
- Laurie Metcalf — Andy's Mom
- Joe Ranft — Wheezy the Penguin
- Jonathan Harris — Geri the Cleaner
See also
- Toy Story
- A Bug's Life
- Monsters Inc.
- Finding Nemo
- The Incredibles
- Cars
- Ratatouille
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