Underworld: Evolution
Underworld: Evolution

Underworld: Evolution is a 2006 action/horror film, directed by Len Wiseman. It is a sequel to the 2003 film Underworld, and follows on from the plot of the first film, continuing the conflict between vampires and lycans, also highlighting the beginnings of the feud.
[Marcus bites into Kraven to taste his blood and sees the events of the end of the previous film then removes his teeth]
[Marcus removes his wings from being punctured into Kraven's shoulders only to destroy Kraven's head with them, killing him]
[Marcus has just opened the door to William's cell]
[William roars and breaks free of his chains]
[William starts to charge Marcus]
- For 6 centuries I was a loyal soldier of the Vampire clan. But I was betrayed. The war was not as it seemed. In one night, the lies that had united our kind had been exposed. Kraven, our second in command, had formed a secret alliance with Lucian, leader of the werewolf clan, who overthrew Viktor, our leader. But Kraven's lust for power and domination had failed. Viktor was not the savior I had been led to believe. He had betrayed us all. Soon, the hunt for his kill will begin. I have but one ally left. Michael, the human descendant of Corvinus. Niether vampire nor lycan. But a hybrid. Its only a matter of time before we're found
- What is thy will my lord?
- [to Kraven, after being awakened by the blood of the lycan Singe] The blood memories of this wretched creature have shown me that your treachery knows no bounds.
- Now you're being rude.
- [seeing William attacked by vampires] No! Leave him be! STOP THIS, YOU'RE KILLING HIM!
- Dead or alive, you will give me what I want!
- [to Selene] A terrible business, the slaying of your family. Yet so much effort was used to conceal this matter from me. What do you suppose Viktor had to hide? Or perhaps, it is you Selene, as the last of your wretched family that has something to hide.
- [to Marcus, referring to a destroyed village] Yet again we arrived to witness this monster's aftermath. I will not tolerate this any longer Marcus. Your brother must be stopped. It ends tonight.
- Your sympathy for this beast is foolish. Your brother is entirely beyond control. It will be done my way.
- [to Marcus, referring to his Lycan brother, William] Imprisonment for all eternaty. Far way from you!
- Some history is based on truth and others on deception.
- [Selene has just fallen into one of his traps] Gotcha.
- I knew is was you Selene. The stench of Viktor's blood still lingers in your veins.
- [on the first-generation Lycans] These were raging monsters. Unable to take human form ever again.
Alexander Corvinus
- For centuries I have stood by and watched the havoc my sons have brought upon each other and upon humanity. Not the legacy I prayed for the morning I watched them enter this world.
- You are asking me to help you kill my son? You? A Death Dealer? How many innocents have you slain in your six-century quest to avenge your family?
[Marcus has been awakened. After doing so, he kills Kraven's bodyguards and pins Kraven to the wall with his wings]- Kraven: ...Marcus...
- Marcus: The blood memories of this wretched [motions towards Singe's body] have shown me that your treachery, knows no bounds
- Kraven: My lord, I can explain.
- Marcus: Why would I listen to your lies, when the journey to the truth is so much sweeter?
[Marcus bites into Kraven to taste his blood and sees the events of the end of the previous film then removes his teeth]
- Kraven: Please... I can assist you.
- Marcus: You already have.
[Marcus removes his wings from being punctured into Kraven's shoulders only to destroy Kraven's head with them, killing him]
- Selene: How long have you been in the business of killing your own kind?
- Tanis: I've done what's necessary to survive. My decision was made easy the day your precious Viktor betrayed me.
- Selene: Betrayal was something he did very well.
- Michael: Kraven may still have his men with him. You're not going alone.
- Selene: He's not as strong as you might think.
- Michael: What?
- Selene: Michael, you're unique. There has never been a Hybrid before. Not to be ambivalent about it, but the truth is your powers could be limitless. You depend on blood.
- [Selene retrieves a plastic bag of cloned human blood from a medical cabinet, Michael is visibly unsettled]
- Selene: You need to feed. Without it, you'll be growing weaker by the second. Use the time for that.
- Michael: What if I don't? What if I can't?
- Selene: Normal food could be lethal. If you don't anticipate your cravings, you will attack humans... and believe me, you don't want that on your conscience. There really is no going back, Michael. I'm sorry.
- Selene: [refferring to Viktor] Betrayal was something he was very good at. Viktor's dead. I killed him.
- Tanis: You? Kill Viktor? No, I think not. [chuckles, then turns shcok/serious] Oh, unless you've learned the truth.
- Alexander Corvinus: For centuries I've stood back and watch the havoc my sons have wrought on eachother and humanity-not the legacy I prayed for when I watched them enter this world. And it's been a tiresome duty; keeping the war contained, cleaning up the mess, hiding my familiy's unfortunate history.
- Michael: Couldn't you have stopped it?
- Selene: Yes.
- Alexander: Could you kill your own sons?
- Selene: You know what Marcus will do! If he finds me, he finds William's prison! You have to help us stop him.
- Alexander: You are asking me to help you kill my son? You? A Death Dealer? How many innocents have you slain in your six-century quest to avenge your family? Spare me your self-righteous declarations; you are no different from Marcus and even less noble than William. At least he cannot control his savagery.
- Selene: Anything I've done can be laid at your feet. Hundreds of thousands have died because of your inability to accept that your sons are monsters, that they create monsters! You could have stopped all of this.
- Marcus: Hello father.
- Alexander Corvinus: You are unwelcome in my presence.
- Marcus: Ah. A predictable heart, that never falls. Pity it beats within such a fool. The eldest of the immortals. Yet you have made no attempt to seize your destiny.
- Alexander: We are oddities of nature, you and I. Nothing more! This is a world for humanity.
- Marcus: And that petty sentiment explains why you rejected your sons? Why you stood by for half a millenium as William suffered alone in darkness!? No father. I have no respect for you petty sentiment. Vicktor's key, where is it?
- Alexander: Whatever plan you have for William is futile. You cannot control you brother.
- Marcus: Oh I am stronger now. And our bond is greater than you have ever wanted to acknowledge.
- Alexander: You're wrong. Soon you'll be drowning in Lycans, just like before.
- Marcus: Oh, not Lycans father ... or vampires. A new race, created in the image of their maker... their new god. Me. And the true god has no father.
[Marcus has just opened the door to William's cell]
- Marcus: William...
[William roars and breaks free of his chains]
- Marcus: William!
[William starts to charge Marcus]
- Marcus: No brother! No William, stop! [William starts to calm down] It's me. I would no sooner harm you than myself.
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