1298 in poetry


  • Auhaduddin Kermani
    Auhaduddin Kermani
    Shaikh Abu Hamid Auhadeddin Kermani was a 13th-century Sufi and poet of Persia.He is the author of Mathnavi Misbāhu'l-arvāh , which is an allegorical pilgrimage through imaginary towns, bearing some affinity to Dante's Divina Commedia .He was suspected of heresy, and is thought to have died in...

     (born unknown), Persian Sufi
  • Abdelaziz al-Malzuzi
    Abdelaziz al-Malzuzi
    Abu Faris Abdelaziz ibn Abdarrahman al-Malzuzi al-Miknasi is considered to be the greatest poet of the Marinid period. He is also well-known as an historian. There is little known about his life, besides that he was the court poet of Abu Yahya ibn Abd al-Haqq. Among his many poetical works is a...

     (born unknown), Moroccan poet of the Marinid period
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