1608 in art


  • Caravaggio
    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was an Italian artist active in Rome, Naples, Malta, and Sicily between 1593 and 1610. His paintings, which combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, had a formative influence on the Baroque...

    • The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
      The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (Caravaggio)
      The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist is an oil painting by the Italian artist Caravaggio. According to Andrea Pomella in Caravaggio: An Artist through Images , the work is widely considered to be Caravaggio's masterpiece as well as "one of the most important works in Western...

    • Portrait of Fra Antonio Martelli
      Portrait of Fra Antonio Martelli (Caravaggio)
      The Portrait of Fra Antonio Martelli is a painting by the Italian master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, in the Palazzo Pitti, Florence....

    • Sleeping Cupid
      Sleeping Cupid (Caravaggio)
      Sleeping Cupid is a painting by the Italian master Caravaggio.Unlike many of Caravaggio's works, it can be dated accurately. It was commissioned for Fra Francesco dell'Antella, Florentine Secretary for Italy to Alof de Wignacourt, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, and an old inscription on the...

    • John the Baptist (St John the Baptist at the Fountain)
    • Annunciation
    • Burial of St. Lucy
      Burial of St. Lucy (Caravaggio)
      Burial of Saint Lucy is a painting by the Italian artist Caravaggio. It is located in the church of Santa Lucia alla Badia located on the Piazza Duomo in Syracuse, Sicily....


  • April/May - Pieter Post
    Pieter Post
    Pieter Jansz Post was a Dutch Golden Age architect, painter and printmaker.-Biography:...

    , Dutch
    Dutch people
    The Dutch people are an ethnic group native to the Netherlands. They share a common culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide, notably in Suriname, Chile, Brazil, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and the United...

    An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the...

    , painter
    Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

     and printmaker (d. 1669
    1669 in art
    -Events:*Following the fall of Crete to the Ottomans,the Heptanese School, also known as the Ionian Islands' School, succeeds the Cretan school as the leading school of Greek post-Byzantine painting.-Paintings:...

  • October 30 - Lazzaro Morelli
    Lazzaro Morelli
    Lazzaro Morelli was an Italian sculptor of the Baroque period. Born in Ascoli Piceno, the son of the Florentine sculptor Fulgenzio Morelli, who also trained Lazzaro's cousin, the artist Giuseppe Giosafatti...

    , sculptor (d. 1690
    1690 in art
    -Events:*Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer leaves France for England, where he produces a series of decorative panels for Montagu House, Bloomsbury.-Births:*January 22 - Nicolas Lancret, French painter...

  • date unknown
    • Salvi Castellucci
      Salvi Castellucci
      Salvi Castellucci was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Arezzo.He trained in Rome with Pietro da Cortona. His son, Pietro Castelllucci painted in his style.-References:...

      , Italian painter active in Arezzo
      Arezzo is a city and comune in Central Italy, capital of the province of the same name, located in Tuscany. Arezzo is about 80 km southeast of Florence, at an elevation of 296 m above sea level. In 2011 the population was about 100,000....

       (d. 1672
      1672 in art
      -Paintings: *Kanō Tanyū – 春景図 -Births:*October 18 – Giuseppe Antonio Caccioli, Italian painter *date unknown**Alberto Carlieri – Italian painter of the late-Baroque period...

    • Niccolo Laniere
      Niccolo Laniere
      Niccolo Laniere was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, while born in Italy, was active in the England of Charles I. He was involved in making art purchases for the Royal collection. He was also an engraver. He died in London.Note: Nicholas Lanier was a contemporary English court composer...

      , Italian painter and engraver (d. 1646
      1646 in art
      -Births:*April 20 - Giacinto Calandrucci, Italian painter at the studio of Carlo Maratta *August 8 - Godfrey Kneller, portrait painter in England *date unknown**Andrea Belvedere, Italian painter...

    • Willem de Poorter
      Willem de Poorter
      -Biography:According to Houbraken he painted a very good Queen of Sheba, but he painted mostly still lifes.His surviving paintings today are mainly small historical allegories and still lifes with metal objects. Though he has been considered in the past by 19th century historians to have been a...

      , Dutch painter (d. 1648
      1648 in art
      -Paintings:* Claude Lorrain - The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba; Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah; Landscape with Dancing Figures ; Landscape with Paris and Oenone...

    • Giacomo Torelli
      Giacomo Torelli
      Giacomo Torelli was the most important set designer of the middle of the seventeenth century. Born in 1608 in the town of Fano, the year of Giulio Parigi’s work on Il Giudizio di Paride in Florence, Torelli was of noble birth. His work in stage design was extensively engraved and hence survives...

      , Italian set designer and engraver (d. 1678
      1678 in art
      -Births:*June 3 - Domenico Antonio Vaccaro, Italian painter, sculptor and architect *date unknown**Giovanni Francesco Bagnoli, Italian painter of still-life paintings **Antonio Baroni, Italian painter active in Verona...

    • Abraham Wuchters
      Abraham Wuchters
      Abraham Wuchters was a Dutch-Danish painter and engraver. He was born in Antwerp but had most of his career in Denmark where he, along with Karel van Mander III, was the preferred painter of the Danish King, nobility and Bourgeoisie during his day, together they represent the main influence from...

      , Dutch-Danish painter and engraver (d. 1682
      1682 in art
      -Births: *February 13 – Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, Italian rococo painter *April 15 – Jan van Huysum, Dutch painter *August 15 - Annibale Albani, Italian Cardinal, whose library, gallery of paintings/sculpture, and cabinet of coins were added to the Vatican collection *October 24 - William Aikman...

  • (b. 1608/1612): Giovanni Stefano Danedi
    Giovanni Stefano Danedi
    Giovanni Stefano Danedi was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.-Biography:He was born at Treviglio, and was the brother of Gioseffo Danedi, also a painter called il Montalto and also a pupil of the painter Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli while in Milan...

    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

     painter of fresco
    Fresco is any of several related mural painting types, executed on plaster on walls or ceilings. The word fresco comes from the Greek word affresca which derives from the Latin word for "fresh". Frescoes first developed in the ancient world and continued to be popular through the Renaissance...

    es (d. 1690
    1690 in art
    -Events:*Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer leaves France for England, where he produces a series of decorative panels for Montagu House, Bloomsbury.-Births:*January 22 - Nicolas Lancret, French painter...



  • June - Bernardo Buontalenti
    Bernardo Buontalenti
    Bernardo Buontalenti, byname of Bernardo Delle Girandole was an Italian stage designer, architect, theatrical designer, military engineer and artist.-Biography:Buontalenti was born in Florence....

    , Italian stage designer, architect, theatrical designer, military engineer and artist (born 1536
    1536 in art
    -Painting:* Bramantino – The Flight into Egypt * Hans Holbein – Henry VIII* Titian – La Belle-Births:...

  • June 5 - Ippolito Andreasi
    Ippolito Andreasi
    Ippolito Andreasi was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period. He was a pupil of Giulio Romano in his hometown of Mantua. He collaborated with Teodoro Ghisi in painting the ceiling and cupola of the Cathedral.-References:*....

    , painter (born 1548
    1548 in art
    -Births:* Baltásar de Echave* Giovanni Ambrogio Figino, Italian painter * Karel van Mander – Flemish painter, poet and biographer * Cornelis Ketel – Dutch Mannerist painter -Deaths:...

  • July 26 - Pablo de Céspedes
    Pablo de Céspedes
    Pablo de Céspedes was a Spanish painter, poet, and architect.His father, Alonso Cespedes, was descended of a noble Castilian family, once settled at Ocaña, and the name of his mother, who was a native of Alcolea de Torote, was Olaya de Arroya.Pablo was born and brought up in the house of his...

    , Spanish
    Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

     painter, poet, and architect (b. 1538
    1538 in art
    -Painting:* Michelangelo – Study for the Colonna Pieta* Jacopo Bassano – The Supper at Emmaus-Births:* Antonio Abondio – Italian sculptor, best known as a medallist and as the pioneer of the coloured wax relief portrait miniature...

  • August 13 - Giambologna
    Giambologna, born as Jean Boulogne, incorrectly known as Giovanni da Bologna and Giovanni Bologna , was a sculptor, known for his marble and bronze statuary in a late Renaissance or Mannerist style.- Biography :...

    , sculptor of marble
    Marble sculpture
    Marble sculpture is the art of creating three-dimensional forms from marble. Sculpture is among the oldest of the arts. Even before painting cave walls, early humans fashioned shapes from stone. From these beginnings, artifacts have evolved to their current complexity...

     and bronze
    Bronze sculpture
    Bronze is the most popular metal for cast metal sculptures; a cast bronze sculpture is often called simply a "bronze".Common bronze alloys have the unusual and desirable property of expanding slightly just before they set, thus filling the finest details of a mold. Then, as the bronze cools, it...

     statuary (b. 1529
    1529 in art
    -Works:* Albrecht Altdorfer paints Battle of Issus* Hans Baldung paints Allegory of Music and Woman with Mirror and Queue* Jacopo Pontormo paints Madonna with Child, Saint Anne and Four saints...

  • October 11 – Giovanni Ambrogio Figino
    Giovanni Ambrogio Figino
    Giovanni Ambrogio Figino was an Italian Renaissance painter from Milan. An important representative of the Lombard school of painting, he had been taught by Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo. Best known as a draftsman, he was also a skilled portrait painter...

    , Italian painter (b. c.1549
    1549 in art
    -Deaths:* Il Sodoma – Italian Mannerist painter * Jean Juste – Italian sculptor...

    1551 in art
    -Births:* Luigi Benfatto – Italian painter, nephew of Paolo Veronese * Jacopo Chimenti – Italian late-mannerist painter * Camillo Procaccini, Italian painter, in 1571 a student in the Bolognese painters’ guild -Deaths:...

  • October 26 - Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
    Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
    Juan Pantoja de La Cruz Spanish painter, one of the best representatives of the Spanish school of court painters. He worked for Philip II and Philip III. The Museo del Prado contains examples of his severe portraiture style.- Life :Juan Pantoja de La Cruz was, born 1553 in Valladolid...

    , Spanish painter (born 1553
    1553 in art
    -Births:* Cherubino Alberti or Borghegiano, Italian engraver and painter * Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont – Spanish soldier, painter, musician and inventor * Juan Pantoja de la Cruz, Spanish painter -Deaths:...

  • November 14 - Bartolomeo Carducci, Italian painter (b. 1560
    1560 in art
    -Births:* November 3 – Annibale Carracci, Italian painter * Ludovico Buti – Italian painter active mostly in Florence * Baldassare d'Anna – Italian painter of the late-Renaissance period * Bartolomeo Carducci – Italian painter...

  • date unknown - Alessandro Vittoria
    Alessandro Vittoria
    Alessandro Vittoria was an Italian Mannerist sculptor of the Venetian school, "one of the main representatives of the Venetian classical style" and rivalling Giambologna as the foremost sculptors of the late 16th century in Italy....

    , Italian Mannerist
    Mannerism is a period of European art that emerged from the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It lasted until about 1580 in Italy, when a more Baroque style began to replace it, but Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century throughout much of Europe...

     sculptor of the Venetian school
    Venetian school (art)
    -Context:In the 15th century Venetian painting developed through influences from the Paduan School and Antonello da Messina, who introduced the oil painting technique of Early Netherlandish painting. It is typified by a warm colour scale and a picturesque use of colour...

     (b. 1525
    1525 in art
    -Events:* Albrecht Dürer - Publishes The Painter's Manual* Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen is named Court Painter to Archduchess Margaret of Austria-Painting:* Michelangelo – Head of Bearded Man Shouting* Pontormo - Youth in a Pink Cloak...

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