1702 in art


  • July 31 – Jean Denis Attiret
    Jean Denis Attiret
    Jean Denis Attiret was a French Jesuit painter and missionary to China.Jean Denis Attiret studied art in Rome and made himself a name as a portrait painter. While a Jesuit novice, he did paintings in the Cathedral of Avignon and the Sodality Chapel....

    , French Jesuit missionary and painter (d. 1768
    1768 in art
    -Paintings:* Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump-Births:*March 10 - Domingos Sequeira, Portuguese painter *April 18 - Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painter of lithographs depicting the people of Brazil...

  • August 15 – Francesco Zuccarelli
    Francesco Zuccarelli
    Francesco Zuccarelli was an Italian Rococo painter.He was born at Pitigliano, in southern Tuscany, where he initially apprenticed with Paolo Anesi...

    , painter, elected to the Venetian Academy in 1763
    1763 in art
    -Events:* Canaletto is elected to the Venetian Academy of Fine Arts.* Francesco Zuccarelli is elected to the Venetian Academy.-Births:* June 26 – George Morland, English painter of animals and rustic scenes...

     (d. 1788
    1788 in art
    -Works:*Jacques-Louis David - Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and His Wife*Francisco Goya - The Meadow of San Isidro*Francisco Goya - St. Francis of Borja Attending a Dying Man-Births:...

  • December 22 - Jean-Etienne Liotard
    Jean-Étienne Liotard
    Jean-Étienne Liotard was a Swiss-French painter. His father was a jeweller who fled to Switzerland after 1685....

    , Swiss-French painter (d. 1789
    1789 in art
    -Events:*James Stuart and Nicholas Revett publish "The Antiquities of Athens" with William Pars's 1765 painting "The Parthenon when it contained a mosque".-Works:*Jacques-Louis David – The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons...

  • date unknown
    • Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner
      Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner
      Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner was a German painter.-External links:*...

      , German painter (d. 1761
      1761 in art
      -Births:*January 24 – Johann Christian Reinhart, German painter and etcher *May – John Opie, historical and portrait painter *July 5 – Louis-Léopold Boilly, French painter...

    • Ercole Lelli
      Ercole Lelli
      Ercole Lelli was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque, active mainly in Northern Italy, including his native city of Bologna, as well as Padua and Piacenza....

       – Italian
      Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

       painter of became director of the Academy at Bologna (d. 1762
      1762 in art
      -Births:*February 29 – Eberhard Wächter, painter *June 16 – Giuseppe Bernardino Bison, Italian painter, especially of history pieces, genre depictions, and whimsical and imaginary landscapes...

    • Carlo Marchionni
      Carlo Marchionni
      Carlo Marchionni was an Italian architect. He was also a sculptor and a virtuoso draughtsman, who mixed in the artistic and intellectual circles.-Biography:Marchionni was born in Rome....

      , Italian sculptor and architect (d. 1786
      1786 in art
      -Births:*January 26 – Benjamin Haydon, English historical painter and writer *April 1 – William Mulready, Irish genre painter of rural scenes *April 16 – Albrecht Adam, painter...

    • Samuel Scott, English marine and topographical painter and etcher (d. 1772
      1772 in art
      -Events:*King George III of the United Kingdom appoints Benjamin West official painter to the court.-Works:* John Singleton Copley – Samuel Adams, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston*Fyodor Rokotov – Portrait of Alexandra Struyskaya-Births:...

    • James Seymour
      James Seymour
      James Seymour was an English painter, widely recognized for his equestrian art.Seymour was born in London. His father was an amateur artist and art dealer, whose other business dealings afforded young Seymour the leisure time to study art on his own, either his father's or the art at the...

       – English
      England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

       painter of especially equestrian
      Equestrianism more often known as riding, horseback riding or horse riding refers to the skill of riding, driving, or vaulting with horses...

      Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect....

       (d. 1752
      1752 in art
      -Events:*1 March - Painter Allan Ramsay elopes with and marries, as his second wife, the Jacobite heiress Margaret Lindsay.-Paintings:* François Boucher :**Marie-Louise O'Murphy**Allegory of Music...



  • May 10 – Antonio Gherardi
    Antonio Gherardi
    Antonio Gherardi was an Italian painter, architect, and sculptor of the Baroque style, active mainly in and near Rome and his native city of Rieti....

    , painter, sculptor and architect (b. 1638
    1638 in art
    -Events:*Francisco Zurbarán begins work on the series of paintings in the Santa María de Guadalupe-Works:*Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Bust of Thomas Baker*Nicolas Poussin – Les Bergers d'Arcadie*Rembrandt – Stormy Landscape...

  • May 17 - Jan Wyck
    Jan Wyck
    Jan Wyck was a Dutch baroque painter, best known for his works on military subjects...

    , Dutch painter of military subjects (b. 1652
    1652 in art
    -Paintings:* Carel Fabritius - A View of Delft; the painting showing use of exaggerated perspective.-Births:*February 13 - Anton Domenico Gabbiani, Italian painter born in Florence...

  • July 22 – Filippo Parodi
    Filippo Parodi
    Filippo Parodi was an Italian sculptor of the Baroque period, "Genoa's first and greatest native Baroque sculptor".-Biography:...

    , sculptor (b. 1630
    1630 in art
    -Paintings:* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Merchants * Rembrandt - The Rising of Lazarus, using chiaroscuro* Diego Velázquez – La Fragua de Vulcano-Births:...

  • date unknown
    • Nicolaes de Vree
      Nicolaes de Vree
      -Biography:De Vree was born in Amsterdam. According to Houbraken, he painted landscapes, flowers, thistles, and herbs. Houbraken had a hard time finding information about his character, though there were many who were willing to discuss his works...

      , Dutch Golden Age painter (b. 1645
      1645 in art
      -Paintings:* approx. date - William Dobson - The Painter with Sir Charles Cottrell and another.* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Apollo and Mercury .-Births:...

    • Carlo Francesco Nuvolone
      Carlo Francesco Nuvolone
      Carlo Francesco Nuvolone was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Lombardy.He was born in Milan to a Cremonese father and mannerist painter, Panfilo Nuvolone. After working with his father, he studied under Giovanni Battista Crespi in the Accademia Ambrosiana in Milan...

      , painter (b. 1609
      1609 in art
      -Events:* Hans Krumpper becomes chief sculptor to the Bavarian court under Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria-Paintings:*Caravaggio painted The Raising of Lazarus*Caravaggio painted Adoration of the Shepherds...

    • Bernardo Racchetti
      Bernardo Racchetti
      Bernardo Rachetti was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active as a painter of imaginary vedute.He was born in Milan, the nephew and scholar of Giovanni Ghisolfi. He painted architectural views and perspectives in the style of his instructor, for whose pictures Racchetti's are not...

      , Italian painter of imaginary vedute (b. 1639
      1639 in art
      -Paintings:* Zhang Yan - Plum Blossoms in Snow* Peter Paul Rubens - The Three Graces.* Claude Lorrain - Seaport at Sunset, sometimes referred to as View of a Seaport....

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