1723 in art


  • April 12 – Franz Anton Bustelli
    Franz Anton Bustelli
    Franz Anton Bustelli was a Swiss-born German modeller for the Bavarian Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactory from 1754 to his death in 1763...

    , porcelain modeller (d. 1763
    1763 in art
    -Events:* Canaletto is elected to the Venetian Academy of Fine Arts.* Francesco Zuccarelli is elected to the Venetian Academy.-Births:* June 26 – George Morland, English painter of animals and rustic scenes...

  • July 16 – Joshua Reynolds
    Joshua Reynolds
    Sir Joshua Reynolds RA FRS FRSA was an influential 18th-century English painter, specialising in portraits and promoting the "Grand Style" in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect. He was one of the founders and first President of the Royal Academy...

    , English painter, specializing in portrait
    thumb|250px|right|Portrait of [[Thomas Jefferson]] by [[Rembrandt Peale]], 1805. [[New-York Historical Society]].A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness,...

    s (d. 1792
    1792 in art
    -Events:*François-André Vincent becomes a professor at the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in Paris.-Births:*February 24 – István Ferenczy, Hungarian sculptor *June 16 – John Linnell, English landscape painter...

  • date unknown
    • Johann Ludwig Aberli
      Johann Ludwig Aberli
      Johann Ludwig Aberli was a Swiss painter and etcher.He is primarily known for his landscapes of Switzerland, first etched in contours then painted or colorized. This style is later to be known as the Aberli manner and found many imitators, such as Heinrich Rieter Senior, Franz Niklaus König or...

      , Swiss landscape painter and etcher (d. 1786
      1786 in art
      -Births:*January 26 – Benjamin Haydon, English historical painter and writer *April 1 – William Mulready, Irish genre painter of rural scenes *April 16 – Albrecht Adam, painter...

    • Giorgio Anselmi
      Giorgio Anselmi
      Giorgio Anselmi was an Italian painter.Born in Verona, he studied with Antonio Balestra and worked mainly in Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia and Trentino with frescoes and oil works...

      , Italian painter (d. 1797
      1797 in art
      -Births:*June 16 – Sophie Fremiet, French painter *July 17 – Hippolyte Delaroche, French painter *August 8 – Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury, French painter *September 19 – January Suchodolski, Polish painter and Army officer...

    • Gavin Hamilton
      Gavin Hamilton (artist)
      Gavin Hamilton was a Scottish neoclassical history painterwho is more widely remembered for his hunts for antiquities in the neighborhood of Rome...

      , Scottish neoclassical
      Neoclassicism is the name given to Western movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that draw inspiration from the "classical" art and culture of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome...

       history painter (d. 1798
      1798 in art
      -Works:*William Beechey – George III and the Prince of Wales reviewing troops*François Gérard – Cupid and Psyche*Antoine-Jean Gros – Le pont d'Arcole-Births:*February 17 – Josef Navrátil, Bohemian painter of paintings, murals, and frescos...

    • Domenico Quaglio the Elder
      Domenico Quaglio the Elder
      Domenico Quaglio the Elder was an Italian painter. He was part of the large Quaglio pedigree of Italian artists involved in architecture, indoor fresco decoration, and scenography for the court theaters. He was born in Laino....

      , Italian painter (d. 1760
      1760 in art
      -Births:*January 10 – Guillaume Guillon-Lethière, French neoclassical painter *January 20 – Ferdinand Bauer, Austrian botanical illustrator *March 2 – Christina Charlotta Cederström, Swedish artist, poet, and baroness...

    • Ike no Taiga
      Ike no Taiga
      was a Japanese painter and calligrapher born in Kyoto during the Edo period. Together with Yosa Buson, he perfected the bunjinga genre. The majority of his works reflected his passion for classical Chinese culture and painting techniques, though he also incorporated revolutionary and modern...

      , Japanese painter and calligrapher (d. 1776
      1776 in art
      -Births:*February 16 – Abraham Raimbach, engraver *March 30 – Vasily Andreevich Tropinin, painter * June 11 – John Constable, English romantic painter...

    • Giovanni Battista Chiappe
      Giovanni Battista Chiappe
      Giovanni Battista Chiappe was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque period, active mainly in Milan and Genoa. He was born in Novi, Italy and trained in Rome with a Genovese, Giuseppe Paravagna. In Alessandria, he painted a canvas of San Iganzio for the church of the same name.-References:...

      , Italian painter (d. 1765
      1765 in art
      -Paintings:*Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Coresus et Callirhoe*William Pars – The Parthenon when it contained a mosque. Published in James Stuart and Nicholas Revett "The Antiquities of Athens" -Births:...

    • Maria Carowsky
      Maria Carowsky
      Maria Carowsky was a Swedish artist.Maria Carowsky was born in Gothenburg to the artist Johan Ross the Elder, an emigrant from Holstein. In 1744, she married the artist Michael Carowsky. She was widowed in 1745 and took over her husband's studio. She was employed as a decorator of the Cathedral...

      , Swedish artist (d. 1793
      1793 in art
      -Works:* Jacques-Louis David – The Death of Marat.* François Marie Suzanne, a French sculptor, created a terra cotta figure of Benjamin Franklin .-Births:*January 15 – Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Austrian painter and writer...



  • October 19 – Godfrey Kneller
    Godfrey Kneller
    Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1st Baronet was the leading portrait painter in England during the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and was court painter to British monarchs from Charles II to George I...

    , English court painter (b. 1646
    1646 in art
    -Births:*April 20 - Giacinto Calandrucci, Italian painter at the studio of Carlo Maratta *August 8 - Godfrey Kneller, portrait painter in England *date unknown**Andrea Belvedere, Italian painter...

  • December 6 – Amalia Pachelbel
    Amalia Pachelbel
    Amalia Pachelbel was a German painter and engraver. She was born in Erfurt and was the oldest daughter of composer Johann Pachelbel. She was named after Amalia Oeheim, Johann's sister-in-law...

    , German painter and engraver (b. 1688
    1688 in art
    -Paintings:*René-Antoine Houasse - Minerva teaching the Rhodians sculpture *Willem van de Velde the Younger - The Fleet at Sea-Births:*April 15 – Johann Georg Bergmüller, painter of frescoes, of the Baroque...

  • date unknown
    • Giacinto Garofalini
      Giacinto Garofalini
      Giacinto Garofalini was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Bologna. He was a pupil of the painter Marcantonio Franceschini. Also called Garofolini by Luigi Lanzi.-References:...

      , Italian painter (b. 1661
      1661 in art
      -Births:* Scipione Angelini – Italian painter best known for still lifes * Antoine Coypel – French painter * Lucas de Valdés – Spanish painter and engraver of the Baroque period...

    • Alessandro Gherardini
      Alessandro Gherardini
      Alessandro Gherardini was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Florence.He was the pupil of the painter Alessandro Rossi. Among his pupils was Sebastiano Galeotti. In Florence, he painted a Crucifixion for the Monastery of the Augustines adjacent to Santa Maria dei Candeli;...

       – Italian painter, active mainly in Florence
      Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area....

       (b. 1655
      1655 in art
      -Paintings:*Nicholas Poussin - St. Peter Healing a Sick Man*Rembrandt - The Polish Rider*Vermeer - Christ in the House of Martha and Mary-Births:...

    • Maria Cattarina Locatelli
      Maria Cattarina Locatelli
      Maria Cattarina Locatelli was an Italian painter. A native of Bologna, she was a pupil of Ludovico Pasinelli. She painted a St. Anthony and St. Theresa for the church of the Madonna di San Columbano. She died in 1723....

      , Italian painter from Bologna
      Bologna is the capital city of Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley of Northern Italy. The city lies between the Po River and the Apennine Mountains, more specifically, between the Reno River and the Savena River. Bologna is a lively and cosmopolitan Italian college city, with spectacular history,...

       (b. unknown)
    • Angelo Massarotti
      Angelo Massarotti
      Angelo Massarotti was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active in his native Cremona. He trained initially with Agostino Bonisoli, then in Rome with Carlo Cesi...

       – Italian
      Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

       painter active in his native Cremona
      Cremona is a city and comune in northern Italy, situated in Lombardy, on the left bank of the Po River in the middle of the Pianura Padana . It is the capital of the province of Cremona and the seat of the local City and Province governments...

       (b. 1653
      1653 in art
      -Events:*Architect and painter Lambert van Haven begins a 16-year period of travelling in Europe.-Paintings:*Claude Lorrain - The Adoration of the Golden Calf*Rembrandt van Rijn - Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer...

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