1773 in Norway


  • 2 May - Henrik Steffens
    Henrik Steffens
    Henrik Steffens , was a Norwegian-born Danish philosopher, scientist, and poet.He was born at Stavanger, Norway. At the age of fourteen he went with his parents to Copenhagen, where he studied theology and natural science...

    , philosopher, scientist, and poet (d.1845
    1845 in Norway
    -Events:*Skutterudite, a mineral containing nickel and iron, was discovered. The discovery was made in Skuterud Mines, Modum, Buskerud.*The twelfth Storting convened, following the 1844 election.-Notable births:*17 January - Erika Nissen, pianist...

  • 27 July - Jacob Aall, historian and statesman (d.1844
    1844 in Norway
    -Events:*8 March - King Oscar I ascends to the throne of Sweden-Norway-Births:*2 March - Ole Larsen Skattebøl, judge and politician *8 March - Jens Jonas Jansen, priest *22 March - Sven Oftedal, helped found the Lutheran Free Church...

  • 19 August - Johan Peter Strömberg
    Johan Peter Strömberg
    Johan Peter Strömberg was a Swedish actor, dancer and theatre director. He was the founder of the first public theatre and theatre school in Oslo in Norway....

    , actor, dancer and theatre director, founder of the first public theatre of Norway (dead 1834).


  • 23 September - Johan Ernst Gunnerus
    Johan Ernst Gunnerus
    Johan Ernst Gunnerus was a Norwegian bishop and botanist. Gunnerus was born at Christiania. He was bishop of the Diocese of Nidaros from 1758 until his death and also a professor of theology at the University of Copenhagen....

    , bishop and botanist (b.1718
    1718 in Norway
    -Events:* 30 November - King Karl XII was shot and killed at the Fredriksten fortress.-Deaths:*Jonas Danilssønn Ramus, priest and historian...

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