1781 in Norway

Full date unknown

  • Palle Rømer Fleischer
    Palle Rømer Fleischer
    Palle Rømer Fleischer was the Norwegian Minister of the Army in five periods between 1837 and 1848, and a member of the Council of State Division in Stockholm three times between 1839 and 1847. Fleischer was a lieutenant general by profession....

    , politician and Minister (d.1851
    1851 in Norway
    -Arts and literature:*10 January - The Norwegian Booksellers Association is founded.-January to June:*2 January - Haldor Boen, teacher and politician in America *25 January - Arne Garborg, writer...

  • Edvard Hagerup
    Edvard Hagerup
    Edvard Hagerup was a Norwegian solicitor and politician. He was born in Kristiansand, the son of a bishop Eiler Hagerup b. 1718 and Edvardine Magdalene Margarethe Christie ....

    , solicitor and politician (d.1853
    1853 in Norway
    -Notable births:*22 January - Francis Hagerup, lawyer, diplomat, politician and twice Prime Minister of Norway *28 March - Jacob Breda Bull, author *14 October - Axel Christian Zetlitz Kielland, civil servant and diplomat...

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