1846 in art


  • Thomas Cole
    Thomas Cole
    Thomas Cole was an English-born American artist. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century...

     – Catskill Landscape
  • Louis Hersent
    Louis Hersent
    Louis Hersent was a French painter.]Born in Paris, he became a pupil of David, and obtained the Prix de Rome in 1797. In the Salon of 1802 appeared his "Metamorphosis of Narcissus", and he continued to exhibit with rare interruptions up to 1831...

     – Portrait of Delphine Gay
  • Edward Hicks
    Edward Hicks
    Edward Hicks was an American folk painter, a distinguished minister of the Society of Friends, and he also became a Quaker icon because of his paintings.-Early life:...

     – Noah's Ark
  • Jean-François Millet
    Jean-François Millet
    Jean-François Millet was a French painter and one of the founders of the Barbizon school in rural France...

     – Prometheus Unbound
  • George Frederic Watts
    George Frederic Watts
    George Frederic Watts, OM was a popular English Victorian painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement. Watts became famous in his lifetime for his allegorical works, such as Hope and Love and Life...

     – Paolo and Francesca


  • March 17 – Kate Greenaway
    Kate Greenaway
    Catherine Greenaway , known as Kate Greenaway, was an English children's book illustrator and writer, who spent much of her childhood at Rolleston, Nottinghamshire. She studied at what is now the Royal College of Art in London, which at that time had a separate section for women, and was headed by...

    , illustrator (d. 1901
    1901 in art
    -Works:*John Collier - In the Venusberg Tannhauser*Camille Pissarro - Hay Harvest at Éragny-January to June:*9 January - Chic Young, American cartoonist .*28 January - James Richmond Barthé, sculptor ....

  • May 21 – Luc-Olivier Merson
    Luc-Olivier Merson
    Luc-Olivier Merson was a French academic painter and illustrator also known for his postage stamp and currency designs....

    , French painter (d. 1920
    1920 in art
    -Events:* The Cologne Dadaist group is formed by Jean Arp, Max Ernst and Alfred Grünwald.* Katherine Dreier, Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp form Société Anonyme.* Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada set up the Leach Pottery in St Ives, Cornwall.-Works:...

  • October 14 – Albert Schickedanz
    Albert Schickedanz
    Albert Schickedanz was an Austro-Hungarian architect and painter in the Eclectic style....

    , Austro-Hungarian
    Austria-Hungary , more formally known as the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, was a constitutional monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in...

    An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the...

     and painter
    Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

     in the Eclectic style
    Eclecticism in art
    Eclecticism is a kind of mixed style in the fine arts: "the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them" . Significantly, Eclecticism hardly ever constituted a specific style in art: it is characterized by the fact that it was not a particular style...

     (d. 1915
    1915 in art
    -Events:*Harper's Bazaar hires Erté to design its covers.*Ambrose Heal and others found the Design and Industries Association in London.*The only Vorticist exhibition is staged, at the Doré Gallery in London..-Works:*Frank Weston Benson - Red and Gold...

  • November 3 – Elizabeth Thompson
    Elizabeth Thompson
    Elizabeth Southerden Thompson, Lady Butler was a British painter, one of the few female painters to achieve fame for history paintings, especially military battle scenes, at the end of that tradition...

    , British painter (d. 1933
    1933 in art
    This article is part of List of years in Art-Events:*Closure of the Bauhaus.*Black Mountain College founded by John Andrew Rice.*The mural, Man at the Crossroads, by Diego Rivera, is removed from the Rockefeller Center in New York because it contained a portrait of Lenin.*Käthe Kollwitz is forced...



  • January 22 – Louis Baltard
    Louis Baltard
    Louis-Pierre Baltard was a French architect, and engraver, born in Paris. He was originally a landscape painter, but in his travels through Italy was struck with the beauty of the Italian buildings, and changed his profession, devoting himself to architecture.In his new occupation he achieved...

    , architect and engraver (b. 1764
    1764 in art
    -Births:*April 14 – Firmin Didot, French printer, engraver, and type founder *April 20 – Rudolph Ackermann, printer and lithographer *May 11 – Grigory Ugryumov, Russian painter *May 20 – Johann Gottfried Schadow, sculptor...

  • June 8 – Rodolphe Töpffer
    Rodolphe Töpffer
    Rodolphe Töpffer was a Swiss teacher, author, painter, cartoonist, and caricature artist. He is also considered to be the first modern comic creator.- Biography :...

    , painter and cartoonist (b. 1799
    1799 in art
    -Works:*Jacques-Louis David – The Intervention of the Sabine Women*Anne-Louis Girodet – Mademoiselle Lange en Danaé*Francisco Goya – Los Caprichos*J. M. W. Turner – Norham Castle-Births:*January 7 – Eduard Magnus, German painter...

  • June 22 – Benjamin Haydon
    Benjamin Haydon
    Benjamin Robert Haydon was an English historical painter and writer.-Biography:Haydon was born in Plymouth. His mother was the daughter of the Rev. Benjamin Cobley, rector of Dodbrooke, near Kingsbridge, Devon. Her brother, General Sir Thomas Cobley, was renowned for his part in the siege of Ismail...

    , English historical painter and writer (b. 1786
    1786 in art
    -Births:*January 26 – Benjamin Haydon, English historical painter and writer *April 1 – William Mulready, Irish genre painter of rural scenes *April 16 – Albrecht Adam, painter...

  • July 16 – Vasily Demut-Malinovsky
    Vasily Demut-Malinovsky
    Vasily Ivanovich Demuth-Malinovsky was a Russian sculptor whose works represent the quintessence of the Empire style....

    , Russia
    Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...

    n sculptor in the Empire style (b. 1779
    1779 in art
    -Paintings:*Charles Willson Peale – George Washington-Births:*January 3 - Gustav Philipp Zwinger *February 20 – Augustus Wall Callcott, English landscape painter *November 5 – Washington Allston, painter, the "American Titian"...

  • August 12 – John Caspar Wild
    John Caspar Wild
    John Caspar Wild was an American painter and lithographer.Wild was born in Switzerland and arrived in the U.S. in the 1830s....

    , painter and lithographer (b. 1804
    1804 in art
    -Events:*Sculptor Pompeo Marchesi wins a scholarship to study in Rome under Antonio Canova.-Awards:The Prix de Rome had been expanded in 1803 to include musical composition as a category, but was not awarded in 1804.* Grand Prix de Rome, painting:...

  • December 12 – Charles Alexandre Lesueur
    Charles Alexandre Lesueur
    Charles Alexandre Lesueur was a French naturalist, artist and explorer.Pictured here is the oil portrait by Charles Willson Peale of Charles-Alexandre Lesueur...

    , artist and explorer (b. 1778
    1778 in art
    -Paintings:* John Singleton Copley - Watson and the Shark* Goya - Children With a Cart* Gilbert Stuart - Self-portrait-Births:*January 1 - Charles Alexandre Lesueur, artist and explorer...

  • date unknownPál Balkay
    Pál Balkay
    Pál Balkay was a Hungarian painter and teacher best known for his portrait of the Sister and Brother.Balkay was born in Tiszaörs...

    , Hungarian
    Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

     painter and teacher (b. 1785
    1785 in art
    -Events:*Joseph Wright of Derby holds a one-man exhibition in London, having severed his official connection with the Royal Academy.-Births:*April 26 – John James Audubon, naturalist and painter...

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