1880 in India


  • 16 March — Rajshekhar Basu, writer
    A writer is a person who produces literature, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images....

    , chemist
    A chemist is a scientist trained in the study of chemistry. Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density and acidity. Chemists carefully describe the properties they study in terms of quantities, with detail on the level of molecules and their component atoms...

     and lexicographer
    Lexicography is divided into two related disciplines:*Practical lexicography is the art or craft of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries....

     (d. 1960
    1960 in India
    Events in the year 1960 in the Republic of India.-Incumbents:* President of India – Rajendra Prasad* Prime Minister of India – Jawaharlal Nehru-Events:...

  • 31 July — Munshi Premchand
    Munshi Premchand
    Munshi Premchand , was a famous writer of modern Hindi-Urdu literature. He is generally recognized in India as the foremost Hindi-Urdu writer of the early twentieth century...

    , foremost Writer in Hindu-Urdu Literature and Indian Freedom fighter (d. 8 October 1936
    1936 in India
    Events in the year 1936 in India.-Incumbents:* Emperor of India – George V , Edward VIII , George VI-Births:*8 January - Jyotindra Nath Dixit, diplomat and politician ....

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