352d Operations Support Squadron
The 352d Special Operations Support Squadron is an active land based unit within the 352d Special Operations Group
352d Special Operations Group
The 352d Special Operations Group is an operational unit of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command. It is stationed at RAF Mildenhall, England. Its heritage dates back to 1944 as an air command unit....

 (352 SOG), United States Air Force
United States Air Force
The United States Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the American uniformed services. Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on September 18, 1947 under the National Security Act of...

, United States European Command
United States European Command
The United States European Command is one of ten Unified Combatant Commands of the United States military, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Its area of focus covers and 51 countries and territories, including Europe, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, and Israel...

, and is based at Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force
The Royal Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. Formed on 1 April 1918, it is the oldest independent air force in the world...

 base RAF Mildenhall
RAF Mildenhall
RAF Mildenhall is a Royal Air Force station located at Mildenhall in Suffolk, England. Despite its status as an RAF station, it primarily supports United States Air Force operations and is currently the home of the 100th Air Refueling Wing...

, in Suffolk
Suffolk is a non-metropolitan county of historic origin in East Anglia, England. It has borders with Norfolk to the north, Cambridgeshire to the west and Essex to the south. The North Sea lies to the east...

,eastern England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...



352nd Special Operations Support Squadron provides support for two flying squadrons, one special tactics squadron and one maintenance squadron for exercise, logistics, and deployment planning; aircrew training; communications; aerial delivery; medical; intelligence; security and force protection; weather; information technologies and transformation support; and current operations.

The expeditionary design and flexibility of the 352nd OSS is regularly showcased and highlighted by its ability to operate simultaneously in up to four locations. The squadron's "can-do" attitude allows the group commander to focus on force application and project specialized combat air power in the EUCOM area of responsibility and elsewhere.


This where the command structure of the group is, and therefore must effectively plan for all the needs of the other 5 squadrons in the group,
  • 352nd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
  • 7th Special Operations Squadron
    7th Special Operations Squadron
    The 7th Special Operations Squadron is an active flying unit of the United States Air Force. It is a component of the 352d Special Operations Group , United States Special Operations Command, and is currently based at Royal Air Force base RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, eastern England.-Mission:From...

  • 21st Special Operations Squadron
    21st Special Operations Squadron
    The 21st Special Operations Squadron is a unit within the 352d Special Operations Group , United States Air Force, United States European Command, and was based at Royal Air Force base RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, eastern England.-Mission:...

  • 67th Special Operations Squadron
    67th Special Operations Squadron
    The 67th Special Operation Squadron is an active unit within the 352d Special Operations Group , United States Air Force, United States European Command, and is currently based at Royal Air Force base RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, eastern England....

  • 321st Special Tactics Squadron
    321st Special Tactics Squadron
    The 321st Special Tactics Squadron is an active land based unit, within the 352d Special Operations Group , United States Air Force, United States European Command, and is based at Royal Air Force base, RAF Mildenhall, in Suffolk, eastern England...

External links

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