360 Central Park West
360 Central Park West is the address for a 16-story apartment highrise in New York City designed by Rosario Candela
Rosario Candela
Rosario Candela was an Italian American architect who achieved renown through his apartment building designs in New York City, primarily during the boom years of the 1920s. He is credited with defining the city's characteristic terraced setbacks and signature penthouses. Over time, Candela's...

. It is listed as a contributing property to the Central Park West Historic District
Central Park West Historic District
The Central Park West Historic District is located in Manhattan, New York City, United States along historic Central Park West, between 61st and 97th Streets. The district was added to the National Register of Historic Places on November 9, 1982...



In 1930 Prudence-Bonds Corporation issued a 1.4 million in Prudence Certificates covering the first mortgage by the Second Presbyterian Church and Vinross Realities Inc. The church was demolished in 1928 to make way for the apartment building.
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