495 (number)
495 is the integer after 494 and before 496
496 (number)
Four hundred [and] ninety-six is the natural number following four hundred [and] ninety-five and preceding four hundred [and] ninety-seven.-In mathematics:...

. It is a pentatope number
Pentatope number
A pentatope number is a number in the fifth cell of any row of Pascal's triangle starting with the 5-term row 1 4 6 4 1 either from left to right or from right to left.The first few numbers of this kind are :...


Kaprekar transformation

The Kaprekar transformation is defined as follows for three-digit numbers:
  1. Start with a three-digit number with at least two digits different.
  2. Arrange the digits in ascending and then in descending order to get two three-digit numbers, adding leading zeros if necessary.
  3. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number.
  4. Go back to step 2.

Repeating this process will always reach 495 in a few steps. Once 495 is reached, the process stops because 954 – 459 = 495.


For example, choose 589:
985 − 589 = 396
963 − 369 = 594
954 − 459 = 495

The only three-digit numbers for which this function does not work are repdigit
In recreational mathematics, a repdigit is a natural number composed of repeated instances of the same digit, most often in the decimal numeral system....

s such as 111, which give the answer 0
0 (number)
0 is both a numberand the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals.It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems...

 after a single iteration. All other three-digits numbers work if leading zeros are used to keep the number of digits at 3:
211 – 112 = 099
990 – 099 = 891 (rather than 99 - 99 = 0)
981 – 189 = 792
972 – 279 = 693
963 – 369 = 594
954 − 459 = 495

The number 6174
6174 (number)
6174 is known as Kaprekar's constant after the Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar. This number is notable for the following property:#Take any four-digit number, using at least two different digits...

 has the same property for the four-digit numbers.

See also

  • Collatz conjecture
    Collatz conjecture
    The Collatz conjecture is a conjecture in mathematics named after Lothar Collatz, who first proposed it in 1937. The conjecture is also known as the 3n + 1 conjecture, the Ulam conjecture , Kakutani's problem , the Thwaites conjecture , Hasse's algorithm The Collatz conjecture is a...

    — sequence of unarranged-digit numbers always ends with the number 1.
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