The A-Minima is a Super 16
16 mm film
16 mm film refers to a popular, economical gauge of film used for motion pictures and non-theatrical film making. 16 mm refers to the width of the film...

 movie camera
Movie camera
The movie camera is a type of photographic camera which takes a rapid sequence of photographs on strips of film which was very popular for private use in the last century until its successor, the video camera, replaced it...

 that was introduced by Aaton
Aaton is a motion picture equipment manufacturer, based in Grenoble, France. Aaton was founded by Eclair engineer Jean-Pierre Beauviala, whose efforts have been primarily focused on making quiet, portable motion picture hardware suitable for impromptu field use, as for documentaries...

 in 1999. Touted as the smallest reflex viewfinder movie camera yet, the camera is distinguished by its extremely low-profile form-factor. It has a size comparable to a small prosumer
Prosumer is a portmanteau formed by contracting either the word professional or less often, producer with the word consumer. For example, a prosumer grade digital camera is a "cross" between consumer grade and professional grade...

 video camera
Video camera
A video camera is a camera used for electronic motion picture acquisition, initially developed by the television industry but now common in other applications as well. The earliest video cameras were those of John Logie Baird, based on the electromechanical Nipkow disk and used by the BBC in...

 and a light weight of including film and a battery. In order to accommodate the camera design, Aaton worked with Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Company is a multinational imaging and photographic equipment, materials and services company headquarted in Rochester, New York, United States. It was founded by George Eastman in 1892....

 to create a specially-designed flexible flange 200 feet (61 m) daylight spool. Because of the particular design of the spool and the fact that the camera requires "A-wind" 16 mm film
16 mm film
16 mm film refers to a popular, economical gauge of film used for motion pictures and non-theatrical film making. 16 mm refers to the width of the film...

, the A-Minima can only use Kodak film stock
Film stock
Film stock is photographic film on which filmmaking of motion pictures are shot and reproduced. The equivalent in television production is video tape.-1889–1899:...

 which has been manufactured specifically for use with the A-Minima. The 200 foot length (approximately 5.5 minutes at 24 ft/s) and slightly noisy sound rating of 29 dB have the consequence of making the camera more ideal as a B-camera or second unit
Second unit
In film, the second unit is a team that shoots subsidiary footage for a motion picture. Its work is distinct from that of the first unit, which shoots all scenes involving principal actors...

 camera; however, the small size and ease of use, along with an integrated AatonCode timecode unit, allow for less conspicuous and cumbersome shooting on Super 16.
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