A-Squad S.P.D. Power Rangers
The A-Squad Rangers are a group of five fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

s in the Power Rangers
Power Rangers
Power Rangers is a long-running American entertainment and merchandising franchise built around a live action children's television series featuring teams of costumed heroes...

 universe. They appeared in the television series Power Rangers: S.P.D.
Power Rangers: S.P.D.
Power Rangers S.P.D. is the 2005 incarnation of the Power Rangers television series, adapted from the Super Sentai series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. It is also the title for the Korean dub of Dekaranger in South Korea, whose logo is similar to the American series. S.P.D...

, and had a pivotal role even though they were unseen for much of the series.

The A-Squad are the first original team of Rangers, and are the first truly corrupt team of Rangers in the Power Rangers franchise (instead of being brainwashed into evil, such as Tommy
Tommy Oliver
Dr. Thomas "Tommy" Oliver is a fictional character from the universe of the American children's television franchise Power Rangers. He is a main character in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series, as well as four of its successive incarnations Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo,...

, or being created as evil, such as the Psycho Rangers
Psycho Rangers
The Psycho Rangers are fictional villains in the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers in Space and Power Rangers Lost Galaxy...



The A-Squad was the Space Patrol Delta
Space Patrol Delta
Space Patrol Delta, often abbreviated to S.P.D., is a fictional organization from the Power Rangers universe, appearing in the television series Power Rangers: S.P.D....

 Academy's elite Ranger team, the defenders of Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...

. During their early appearances in the series, they only appear morphed and are sent out to face the newest threat to the planet's safety. However, the A-Squad were already corrupt; Bridge sensed "something off" with their aura in the first episode, but didn't have the chance to find out what. In the episode "Confronted", the A-Squad is sent to the Helix Nebula
Helix Nebula
The Helix Nebula is a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius. Discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding, probably before 1824, this object is one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae. The estimated distance is about 215 parsecs or 700 light-years...

 to defend it from Emperor Gruumm; this was a trap, and contact is lost with them in "Walls" after it was made clear they were being overwhelmed. They were considered "missing in action
Missing in action
Missing in action is a casualty Category assigned under the Status of Missing to armed services personnel who are reported missing during active service. They may have been killed, wounded, become a prisoner of war, or deserted. If deceased, neither their remains nor grave can be positively...

". (In this episode, A-Squad Red's voice was distorted in editing to sound male instead of female).

Unknown to the Rangers, the A-Squad had survived and had defected to Gruumm's side, wanting to be on "the winning team" (as stated in "Endings"). They bide their time, destroying the SPD Gamma 4 base for unknown reasons (confirmed at conventions and in interviews by the show's producers), before finally faking a crash-land on Gamma-Orion and sending an SOS to have the B-Squad 'find' them alive. The B-Squad Rangers
S.P.D. Power Rangers
The S.P.D. Power Rangers are fictional characters and heroes in the Power Rangers universe, and the primary protagonists in the television series Power Rangers S.P.D....

 soon became frustrated when Cruger abruptly dismissed them to debrief the A-Squad and they realized that they were once again "the reserves, zord
In the universe of the television series Power Rangers, Zords are colossal mechanical or bio-mechanical robotic vehicles. When monsters grow to incredible sizes, usually the only way the Power Rangers can fight them is by summoning and piloting these robots...

 cleanup detail," as Jack Landors put it. (Ironically, Jack and Z were never the "reserves", as Jack put it, since they joined SPD almost before the A-Squad disappeared). After a year of being Earth's main line of defense, they were pushed aside.

However, at the end of "Resurrection", the A-Squad revealed their true allegiance and kidnapped Commander Cruger. Following this treachery, the B-Squad battled with the A-Squad. Despite the A-Squad initially having the upper hand, B-Squad managed to overcome them with a combination of smarter battle tactics and S.W.A.T. Mode. Escalating the battle, the A-Squad upped the ante by unleashing their own Megazord, which transforms from Broodwing's drill vehicle. A battle ensued, but when the Delta Command Base was overtaken by Broodwing's forces and transformed into the Delta Command Megazord to destroy the city, the Omegamax Megazord was disabled and the Delta Squad Megazord was destroyed. After the B-Squad had recovered, they recovered the S.W.A.T. flyers from the secret underground zord bay – which only Bridge had known about – and used the S.W.A.T. Megazord to destroy the A-Squad's Megazord, finally defeating them.

The A-Squad was found guilty of treason and contained by the B-Squad with their Delta Morphers without a further fight. As a consequence of this action, and at the request of B-Squad – who felt that they were B-Squad rather than A-Squad – the A-Squad "ranking" was retired.

In the pages of Jetix Magazine
Jetix Magazine
Jetix Magazine was a four-weekly publication from Future Publishing and Jetix available in the United Kingdom that launched in September 2004 until August 2009....

, the A-Squad makes an appearance in the S.P.D. comic strip in the two part "finale" of the strip, "Invasion". Here, they are brainwashed by Gruumm as opposed to corrupted, and turn on the S.P.D. defense armada orbiting Earth. They are disposed of by B-Squad after a brief battle in the following issue and are not seen again. Their ranking is given to B-Squad for defeating Gruumm and Omni.


The full capabilities of the A-Squad are unknown. They have the ability to morph instantaneously without using a Delta Morpher, and their Ranger suits are heavily armored, suggesting greater endurance. Their primary weapons are large and powerful laser cannons, but they do not appear to have anything beyond that. Aside from the Delta Runners, they were shown piloting a Zord that could transform into a drill-based vehicle. It is presumed to be of S.P.D. origin, due to its cockpit design and various "S.P.D." decals; however, its outward appearance, when compared to other S.P.D. zords, suggests it may have been modified heavily.

In terms of fighting ability, they are said to be the best of the best; however, once the B-Squad converted to S.W.A.T. Mode and had equal armor and weaponry to the A-Squad, they were able to easily defeat the A-Squad. It has been speculated that the A-Squad underestimated the B-Squad's skills and were caught off-guard.


  • Charlie (A-Squad Red): Portrayed by Gina Varela, Charlie was the only one of the five characters to be named, in the credits at the end. She is a Hispanic human female and is the first female Red Ranger in Power Rangers history, the forth female leader, after Delphine, Jen Scotts and Taylor Earhardt‎, the second Hispanic Red Ranger, after Rocky DeSantos
    Rocky DeSantos
    Rocky DeSantos is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe. In the second season of the television show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he joined the team as the second Red Ranger...

    , and the second female Hispanic Power Ranger, after Z Delgado. She is also the first Red Ranger since T.J. Johnson
    Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson
    Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson, or TJ, as he prefers to be called, is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe, starring in the Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers in Space TV series...

     in Power Rangers: Turbo
    Power Rangers: Turbo
    Power Rangers Turbo is the third installment in the long-running Power Rangers franchise of television shows. The show was prefaced with the second movie in the franchise, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie...

    to not have a Battlizer (Casey Rhodes and Scott Truman have since also been non-Battlized). Charlie was extremely arrogant and contemptuous of the B-Squad. She was especially outraged by the idea that the A-Squad could possibly be beaten by their "inferiors."
  • A-Squad Blue: An alien male of an unknown race voiced by Nick Kemplen. He is the first non-human Blue Ranger since Cestro of the Aquitian Rangers
    Aquitian Rangers
    The Aquitian Rangers, sometimes referred to as the Alien Rangers, are fictional characters and heroes from the Power Rangers universe, starring in the television series Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers...

  • A-Squad Green: An African-American human male voiced by D.J. Sena. He is the third African-American Green Ranger, after Damon Henderson, the Green Galaxy Ranger, and Joel Rawlings, the Green Lightspeed Ranger.
  • A-Squad Yellow: A blond Caucasian human male voiced by Greg Cooper II, and the third out of four male Yellow Rangers.
  • A-Squad Pink: An Asian human female, portrayed by Motoko Nagino but voiced by Claire Dougan. She is the second Asian Pink Ranger, after Cassie Chan
    Cassie Chan
    Cassie Chan is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe, she was played by Korean American actress Patricia Ja Lee. She served as the Pink Ranger during the television series Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers in Space....



The A-Squad suits were kitbashed
Kitbashing or model bashing is a practice whereby a new scale model is created by taking pieces out of commercial kits. These pieces may be added to a custom project or to another kit. For professional modelmakers, kitbashing is popular to create concept models for detailing movie special effects...

 together from various sources, most recognizably the re-molded helmets from Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers in Space is a television show that aired in 1998 as the sixth season and fourth installment of the Power Rangers franchise...

. The updated helmets featured silver trim around the visors with an S.P.D. POLICE badge above the visor and silver vents adorning the top and sides of the helmet. The Black Space Ranger's helmet was repainted green for this series. The actual suit is motocross padding.
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