A Challenge for the Actor
A Challenge for the Actor is a bestselling acting
Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually, speaking or singing the written text or play....

A textbook or coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions...

 by actress and teacher Uta Hagen
Uta Hagen
Uta Thyra Hagen was a German-born American actress and drama teacher. She originated the role of Martha in the 1963 Broadway premiere of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee...

 (Scribner Publishing, 1991) used in many acting classes. Taking the concept of "substitution" from her previous book, Respect for Acting
Respect for Acting
Respect for Acting by actress and teacher Uta Hagen is a textbook used in many acting classes. Hagen's instructions and examples guide the aspiring actor through practical problems such as "How do I talk to the audience?" and "How do I stay fresh in a long run?" She advocates the actor's use of...

, she renamed it "transference".

Other useful sections in this book are the exercises that Uta Hagen has created and elaborated to help the actor learn his craft, such as developing the actor's physical destination in a role; making changes in the self serviceable in the creation of a character; recreating physical sensations; bringing the outdoors on stage; finding occupation while waiting; talking to oneself and the audience; and employing historical imagination.
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