Aagot Didriksen
Aagot Didriksen was a Norwegian theatre actress and film actress of the 1930s.


She debuted on 24 October 1899 in the National Theatre of Denmark and made over 152 appearances on stage until 1942 when she retired.


  • 1940 - Tørres Snørtevold
    Tørres Snørtevold
    Tørres Snørtevold is a 1940 Norwegian comedy film directed by Tancred Ibsen. It starred Alfred Maurstad, Folkman Schaanning and Anton Jessen and was based on the novel Jacob by Alexander Kielland....

  • 1937 - Fant
  • 1933 - Vi som går kjøkkenveien
  • 1931 - Store barnedåpen, Den

External links

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