Abdul Rahim (Engineer)
Engineer Abdul Rahim was appointed the Afghan Communications Minister of the Afghan Interim Administration
Afghan Interim Administration
The Afghan Interim Administration was the first administration of Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban regime and was the highest authority of the country from 22 December 2001 until 13 July 2003.-Background:...

 -- the first post-Taliban government in 2002.
Abdul Rahim was from the Tajik ethnic group.

He was replaced by Masoom Stanakzai from the Pashtun
Pashtun people
Pashtuns or Pathans , also known as ethnic Afghans , are an Eastern Iranic ethnic group with populations primarily between the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan and the Indus River in Pakistan...

 ethnic group when President Hamid Karzai appointed the Cabinet of the Afghan Transitional Administration
Afghan Transitional Administration
The Afghan Transitional Administration was the name of a temporary administration of Afghanistan put in place by the 2002 Loya Jirga and followed the Afghan Interim Administration which was installed after the Bonn Conference.-Background:Following the US Invasion in Afghanistan, a UN sponsored...

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