Access Group
Access Group is a nonprofit student loan provider that specializes in graduate and professional student loans. The company provides federally-guaranteed Federal Stafford, PLUS
PLUS loan
A PLUS Loan is a student loan offered to parents of students enrolled at least half time in eligible programs at participating and eligible post-secondary institutions or graduate and professional students at participating and eligible postsecondary institutions.-Similarities with Stafford and...

 and Consolidation loans through the Federal Family Education Loan Program
Federal Family Education Loan Program
The Federal Family Education Loan Program was the second largest of the U.S. higher education loan programs . The FFEL was initiated by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and was funded through a public/private partnership administered at the state and local level...

, as well as private education loans for graduate and professional students. Access Group also provides debt management materialsand presentations to students and schools across the United States.


In order to make law school financing more accessible, the “Law Assured Access Program” began in 1983, under the direction of the Law School Admission Council. This program offered two federally-guaranteed education loans to students attending ABA-approved law schools. In following years, a private loan program, the Law Access Loan, was created to supplement the federal loans. These programs were incorporated in 1993 as a separate nonprofit organization: Law Access, Inc.

Law Access, Inc. eventually expanded its loan program to provide federal and private student loans not only to law students, but also to business, medical, dental, health and other graduate students. To reflect this growth of programs and services, Law Access, Inc. began doing business as The Access Group, and in 1997, officially changed its name to Access Group, Inc.

Over the years, Access Group has established a history of industry innovations, such as offering the first private Bar Examination Loan to help cover the expenses of students studying for and taking the Bar Examination
Bar examination
A bar examination is an examination conducted at regular intervals to determine whether a candidate is qualified to practice law in a given jurisdiction.-Brazil:...

, creating the first over-the-phone application in student lending, and offering the first fully interactive graduate student loan application on the Web.


Access Group operates out of Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington is the largest city in the state of Delaware, United States, and is located at the confluence of the Christina River and Brandywine Creek, near where the Christina flows into the Delaware River. It is the county seat of New Castle County and one of the major cities in the Delaware Valley...

. Christopher P. Chapman serves as the company’s president and chief executive officer. Richard A. Matasar, the dean and president of New York Law School
New York Law School
New York Law School is a private law school in the TriBeCa neighborhood of Lower Manhattan in New York City. New York Law School is one of the oldest independent law schools in the United States. The school is located within four blocks of all major courts in Manhattan. In 2011, New York Law School...

, currently serves as the chair of the board of directors.
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