Action Committee for the Defense of Democracy - Youth Movement
The Action Committee for the Defense of Democracy - Youth Movement (French: Comité d'action pour la défense de la démocratie - Mouvement de jeunesse, CADD-MJ) is a youth organization in the Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
The Republic of the Congo , sometimes known locally as Congo-Brazzaville, is a state in Central Africa. It is bordered by Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo , the Angolan exclave province of Cabinda, and the Gulf of Guinea.The region was dominated by...

, affiliated with the Congolese Labour Party (PCT). It was founded on 28 August 1993 on the initiative of Denis Sassou Nguesso
Denis Sassou Nguesso
Denis Sassou Nguesso is a Congolese politician who has been the President of Congo-Brazzaville since 1997; he was previously President from 1979 to 1992. During his first period as President, he headed the single-party regime of the Congolese Labour Party for 12 years...

, who was then an opposition leader and is currently the President of the Republic of the Congo. André Okombi Salissa
André Okombi Salissa
André Okombi Salissa is a Congolese politician. A member of the Congolese Labour Party , he has served in the government of Congo-Brazzaville since 1997 and is currently the Minister of Tourism and the Environment; he is also the President-Coordinator of the Action Committee for the Defense of...

is the President-Coordinator of the Central Council of the CADD-MJ, while Sassou Nguesso is the organization's Honorary President. According to the CADD-MJ, it is the "locomotive of youth organizations in our country".
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