Adavad is the biggest village in Chopada tahsil of Jalgaon district
Jalgaon District
Jalgaon district is a district of Maharashtra. It was formerly known as East Khandesh district. It has an area of 11,765 km², and a population of 3,682,690 of which 71.4% were rural....

. It has the largest population ratio among the villages in Jalgaon district. Adawad is situated at base of satpuda Hills.

Just 3 km to the north west of Adavad is Unapdev
Unapdev is in Shahada, Maharashtra tahsil located near the village Dara. It has a permanent natural hot water source.-Approach :...

 which is famous for its hot water spring.
This hot water spring emeges from a "Gomukh" - mouth of the Cow. Folklore has it that Lord Rama had shot an arrow which caused the spring to emerge while he was passing through in his years of vanvas
Vanvas is a Sanskrit term meaning residence in a forest . While it can be undertaken voluntarily, it usually carries a connotation of forced exile as a punishment...

 (forest exile).

Apart from this Unapdev
Unapdev is in Shahada, Maharashtra tahsil located near the village Dara. It has a permanent natural hot water source.-Approach :...

is also famous as a picnic spot in Jalgaon district. It lies in the midst of cultivated fields & green pastures adding to its beauty. It is one of the entry points for those who wish to trek the Satpuda hills.
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