Adresse-Tidende for Brevig, Stathelle, Langesund, Bamble og Eidanger (nicknamed Brevigs Adresse) was a Norwegian newspaper, published in Brevik
is a town in Telemark, Norway with an estimated population of 2,700. Brevik was established as a municipality January 1, 1838 , but was merged with Porsgrunn on January 1, 1964. Brevik is regarded one of the best preserved towns from the sailing ship era...

 in Telemark
is a county in Norway, bordering Vestfold, Buskerud, Hordaland, Rogaland and Aust-Agder. The county administration is in Skien. Until 1919 the county was known as Bratsberg amt.-Location:...


Adresse-Tidende was started on 18 June 1849, in a city which was conspicuosly small for hosting a newspaper. The newspaper also covered Brevik's surrounding districts. The founder and first editor-in-chief was William Thrane, theologian, former journalist in Statsborgeren and first cousin of Marcus Thrane
Marcus Thrane
Marcus Møller Thrane was a Norwegian author, journalist, and the leader of the first Norwegian labor movement, later known as the Thrane movement .-Early life:...


Thee theologian Thrane had a conservative tint, but had an unconventional style of writing. He sometimes had feuds with Herman Bagger
Herman Bagger
-Personal life:Herman Bagger was born in Lemvig in Jutland, Denmark to physician Eggert Christian Bagger and his wife Claudine Margrethe , née Borgen. He had one older brother and three younger siblings....

, editor of Correspondenten
Correspondenten was a Norwegian newspaper, published in Skien in Telemark county.Bratsberg Amts Correspondent was started on 1 January 1844, and changed its name in August 1846. It was the project of politician Herman Bagger. In 1842 he had started the newspaper Skiensposten, but he grew tired and...

, even though Adresse-Tidende and Correspondenten strictly belonged to different cities. After Thrane's death in 1878, his widow published the newspaper until it went defunct on 3 May 1898.
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