Adrienne Ledent
Adrienne Ledent aged 111 years 192 days was a Belgian supercentenarian
A supercentenarian is someone who has reached the age of 110 years. This age is achieved by about one in a thousand centenarians....

. She became the oldest person living in Belgium on 1 May 2010 with the death of Gabriëlle Demets. She was also the last known Belgian as well as the youngest validated person born before 1900.


Ledent got married to a man named Camille in 1922. They had 1 child named Jean. 4 years afterwards, Camille fell into a tank of steel and died. In response, Adrienne remarried to Georges Gavroy in 1931. They didn't have anymore children. Georges died in 1968. She spent most of her life living in a house in Habay
Habay is a Walloon municipality of Belgium located in the province of Luxembourg.On 1 January 2007 the municipality, which covers 103.64 km², had 7,903 inhabitants, giving a population density of 76.3 inhabitants per km²....

 as a homemaker. She was very helpful to local residents and maintained a positive attitude.

Life Today

Ledent lived in an assistant living centre in Habay-la-Neuve, Luxembourg
Luxembourg (Belgium)
Luxembourg is the southernmost province of Wallonia and of Belgium. It borders on the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, France, and the Belgian provinces of Namur and Liège. Its capital is Arlon, in the south-east of the province.It has an area of 4,443 km², making it the largest Belgian province...

, the province where she was born. She was on no medications and ate well. Ledent was overall healthy despite being unable to verbally communicate and could no longer walk.
She died in the early hours of 23 June 2011 at 2 AM.

External links

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