Aesculus indica
Indian or Himalayan Horse Chestnut is an attractive tree growing to about 30 meters (100 feet) with a spread to about by 12 meters (39 feet). It is hardy to -15°C (5°F), USDA zones 7-9 . It is in flower from Jun to July, and the seeds ripen in October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees.with plentiful white blossoms during May and June. Its large leaves 10–20 cm long by 2–6 cm wide are also ornamental and the mature tree forms a beautiful round canopy.Distribution
Is common along the Himalayan Low-lands, between Kashmir and Western Nepal at elevations' between 900 and 3,000 metres. In the British Isles it is popular in many parks and estates where it was introduced in the mid 19th. century. It is found in many parts of the USA too.. The commercial collection of its seeds for flour production seems to have impacted on the natural distribution of this speciesUses
Its leaves are used as cattle fodder in parts of Northern Indian. Its seeds are dried and ground into a bitter flour, called Tattawakher. The bitterness is created by Saponins, which is rinsed out by thoroughly washing the flour during its preparation. The flour is often mixed with Wheat flour to make chapatis (Indian Bread), and also to make a Halwa (Indian sweetmeat) and sometimes is served as a Dalhia (Porridge or Gruel) during fasting periods.It is used in Traditional Indian Medicine, for the treatment of some skin disease, rheumatism, as an astringent, acrid and narcotic. and in the relief of headaches..
Its large leafs and flowers makes it suitable for large sized Bonsai.