African ground thrush
African ground-thrushes are a number of species of thrush
Thrush (bird)
The thrushes, family Turdidae, are a group of passerine birds that occur worldwide.-Characteristics:Thrushes are plump, soft-plumaged, small to medium-sized birds, inhabiting wooded areas, and often feed on the ground or eat small fruit. The smallest thrush may be the Forest Rock-thrush, at and...

 in the genus Zoothera. They are now thought to be a group less closely related to the Asian members of the genus. They are forest-dwelling, foraging near the ground, and the sexes are alike.

Species in taxonomic order

  • Abyssinian Ground-thrush
    Abyssinian Ground-thrush
    The Abyssinian Ground-thrush Zoothera piaggiae is a passerine bird native to north-east Africa. It lives at high altitude in montane forests....

    , Zoothera piaggiae
  • Kivu Ground-thrush
    Kivu Ground-thrush
    The Kivu Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family.It is found in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montanes....

    , Zoothera tanganjicae
  • Crossley's Ground-thrush
    Crossley's Ground-thrush
    Crossley's Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family. It is found in Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Nigeria....

    , Zoothera crossleyi
  • Orange Ground-thrush
    Orange Ground-thrush
    The Orange Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family.It is found in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe....

    , Zoothera gurneyi
  • Black-eared Ground-thrush
    Black-eared Ground-thrush
    The Black-eared Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family. It is found in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Uganda. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.The...

    , Zoothera cameronensis
    • Kibale Black-eared Ground-thrush, Zoothera cameronensis kibalensis - possibly extinct (late 20th century?)
  • Grey Ground-thrush
    Grey Ground-thrush
    The Grey Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family.-Distribution and habitat:It is found in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Uganda....

    , Zoothera princei
  • Spotted Ground-thrush
    Spotted Ground-thrush
    The Spotted Ground-thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family.It is found in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, and possibly Mozambique.-Description:...

    , Zoothera guttata - formerly Z. fischeri
  • Oberlaender's Ground-thrush, Zoothera oberlaenderi
  • Buru Thrush
    Buru Thrush
    The Buru Thrush is a species of bird in the Turdidae family. It is endemic to montane rainforest on Buru in Indonesia. Traditionally, it included the Seram Thrush as a subspecies, in which case the common name of the 'combined species' was Moluccan Thrush.-References:* BirdLife International 2006....

    , Zoothera dumasi
  • Chestnut-capped Thrush
    Chestnut-capped Thrush
    The Chestnut-capped Thrush lives in forests and woodlands of Southeast Asia. It is a songbird species in the family Turdidae. Traditionally, it has included the Enggano Thrush as a subspecies, but a recent review recommended treating them as separate...

    , Zoothera interpres
  • Rusty-backed Thrush, Zoothera erythronota
  • Red-and-black Thrush
    Red-and-black Thrush
    The Peleng Thrush , also known as the Red-and-black Thrush, is a species of bird in the Turdidae family. It is endemic to forests on the Indonesian islands of Taliabu and Peleng, where threatened by habitat loss. Traditionally, it has been considered a subspecies of the Red-backed...

    , Zoothera mendeni
    • Peleng Red-and-black Thrush, Zoothera mendeni mendeni - extinct (mid-20th century)
  • Chestnut-backed Thrush
    Chestnut-backed Thrush
    The Chestnut-backed thrush is a ground thrush species endemic to Lombok, Timor and the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. The species is rapidly declining and it is already extinct on Lombok and possibly on Lesser Sunda...

    , Zoothera dohertyi
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