Afterlife (novel)
Afterlife is a fantasy novel by Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray is a pseudonym for Amy Vincent, a young adult paranormal romance author, best known for the Evernight series. She is published by HarperCollins. Her book Stargazer hit No. 4 in the chapter book category of the New York Times list of bestselling children books in April 2009. Gray is a...

 released on March 3, 2011. It is the fourth and final part of the Evernight series
Evernight (series)
Evernight is an on-going series of four vampire-based romance/fantasy novels by New York Times bestselling American author Claudia Gray. It tells the story of Bianca Olivier, a 16-year old half-human and half-vampire girl born to two vampires, who is forced to attend Evernight Academy, a private...

, concluding the ongoing plot from the previous novel Hourglass
Hourglass (novel)
Hourglass is a fantasy novel by Claudia Gray released in 2010. It is the third novel of the Evernight series, a series of four books, and is preceded by Stargazer and followed by Afterlife. The four books feature vampires, wraiths , betrayal, and, of course, love...

, which began in the first novel Evernight and ran into the second, Stargazer
Stargazer (novel)
Stargazer is a fantasy novel by Claudia Gray released in 2009. It is the second part of the Evernight series, following Evernight. It is followed by the third book in the series, Hourglass.-Synopsis:...



Bianca now a wraith, and Lucas, now a vampire, must return to Evernight to help control his blood lust. Bianca needs to find out what Mrs. Bethany wants with the wraiths before it is too late. Can their love survive their deaths or will they end up destroying one another?

Plot summary

Lucas rises from the dead and assisted by Balthazar and Ranulf, Bianca manages to convince Lucas to return to Evernight to seek help for his bloodlust before it is too late and he is consumed by it. After his return Mrs. Bethany offers him shelter much to the annoyance of his fellow pupils. Bianca's parents are told that their daughter has died, for which they blame Lucas. While in the library Bianca is caught in a trap set by Mrs Bethany to trap wraiths. She is freed by intruding into Lucas's dreams. Lucas is set to go on a trip to the local town and Bianca is going to accompany him. Bianca while following Lucas until she can appear to him is trapped by Patrice using a mirror. He frees her but finds out everything about how she died and how Lucas became a vampire. At the Cafe Lucas is attacked by several Black Cross members including his mother who leave after the police are called and although no one is harmed Lucas is shaken up.

Bianca and her father are reunited and he accepts her for what she is before helping Bianca tell her mother. Her parents also realize Mrs. Bethany is up to something so agree to help Bianca and her friends to search the school for the traps set by Mrs. Bethany and to free the wraiths on the night of the autumn ball. While the ball is taking place several human students are possessed by wraiths who are angry and confused as to what is happening at Evernight.

Bianca goes to visit Christopher, a powerful wraith, and he tells her that she could be used as a bridge between the human world and the world that wraiths inhibit before they can reach heaven. She agrees to think about it before returning to the human world. She later witnesses Lucas being told by Mrs. Bethany about how vampires can be resurrected to human form although it involves the sacrifice of a wraith when the mixture of both supernaturals' blood happens. Lucas disagrees and leaves.

Bianca is caught in a powerful trap when she goes to get her coral bracelet so that she can apparate fully and feels like she has been trapped for days before being released into a large room which was designed to contain and weaken wraiths. Mrs. Bethany reveals that she plans on killing Bianca to become human again but her plans are stopped when Lucas and her parents arrive. Bianca cannot escape from the room so possesses Skye who allows her to. Bianca helps the other wraiths to leave the human world by creating a light to which the wraiths float taking on a more human look, no longer the mutilated beings they previously were.

She was willing to leave but Mrs. Bethany traps Maxine who had warned her parents. Bianca calls upon Christopher who has been revealed to be Mrs. Bethany's husband before he was murdered who switches place with Maxine and is destroyed as Mrs. Bethany's cottage collapses killing her too. A battle ensues with the vampires who planned to help murder Bianca and her fellow wraiths and friends. Lucas is gravely wounded but Bianca drinks his blood and he drinks hers. Their blood infuses and Lucas is resurrected to human life. The series finishes after Bianca reflects on the rest of her eternal life as a bridge between worlds for the wraiths.


Afterlife received a rating of 3.88 on Goodreads
Goodreads is a privately run "social cataloging" website started in December 2006 by Otis Chandler, a software engineer and entrepreneur. The website permits individuals to sign up and register books to create their library catalogs and reading lists. It also allows users to create their own...

.com which is the lowest rating for the series.


Although Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray is a pseudonym for Amy Vincent, a young adult paranormal romance author, best known for the Evernight series. She is published by HarperCollins. Her book Stargazer hit No. 4 in the chapter book category of the New York Times list of bestselling children books in April 2009. Gray is a...

 has confirmed that she does not plan to write anymore Evernight books she is to write a spin off
Spin-off (media)
In media, a spin-off is a radio program, television program, video game, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work...

 book about Balthazar More focusing on his life, death and later adventures. This will be released in March 2012.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.