Ai to Makoto
is a Japanese manga
series written by Ikki Kajiwara
and illustrated by Takumi Nagayasu. It was adapted into a live-action television series in 1974 and into three live-action films in 1974, 1975 and 1976. It will also be adapted into a new live-action film directed by Takashi Miike
in 2012.
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...
series written by Ikki Kajiwara
Ikki Kajiwara
was a Japanese author, manga writer, and film producer, also known under the pseudonym . His real name is . The pseudonym was used since he was writing for a rival magazine at the time. Having multiple names would not allow overlaps by the two magazines...
and illustrated by Takumi Nagayasu. It was adapted into a live-action television series in 1974 and into three live-action films in 1974, 1975 and 1976. It will also be adapted into a new live-action film directed by Takashi Miike
Takashi Miike
is a highly prolific and controversial Japanese filmmaker. He has directed over seventy theatrical, video, and television productions since his debut in 1991. In the years 2001 and 2002 alone, Miike is credited with directing fifteen productions...
in 2012.