Airspan Networks is a WIMAX
WiMAX is a communication technology for wirelessly delivering high-speed Internet service to large geographical areas. The 2005 WiMAX revision provided bit rates up to 40 Mbit/s with the 2011 update up to 1 Gbit/s for fixed stations...

 U.S.-based equipment manufacturer founded in 1998 with headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida
Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...

 and R&D facilities in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 and Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...


The first product, AS4020 platform, was based on CDMA radio technology adapted for fixed wireless access
Wireless access point
In computer networking, a wireless access point is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or related standards...

. The company currently provides a wide range of WIMAX base stations and customer premise devices. It won the WIMAX World Best of Show Award for the mobile
Mobile computing
Mobile computing is a form of human–computer interaction by which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage. Mobile computing has three aspects: mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software...

WiMAX is a communication technology for wirelessly delivering high-speed Internet service to large geographical areas. The 2005 WiMAX revision provided bit rates up to 40 Mbit/s with the 2011 update up to 1 Gbit/s for fixed stations...

 MIMAX device, a miniature WIMAX receiver covering all major licensed and unlicensed WIMAX spectrum. The company has recently expanded its development efforts in LTE products to complement its WIMAX offerings.

Airspan has established presence in more than 100 countries and expanded its product lines, both through acquisitions and R&D. The company currently has over 100 engineers developing Mobile WIMAX and LTE solutions.

In 2004, Airspan made an agreement with Neda Telecommunications, a subsidiary
A subsidiary company, subsidiary, or daughter company is a company that is completely or partly owned and wholly controlled by another company that owns more than half of the subsidiary's stock. The subsidiary can be a company, corporation, or limited liability company. In some cases it is a...

 of Aspen Wind Corporation, to send radio
Radio is the transmission of signals through free space by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space...

s to Kabul
Kabul , spelt Caubul in some classic literatures, is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan. It is also the capital of the Kabul Province, located in the eastern section of Afghanistan...

, Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...


In 2010, Airspan negotiated with LightSquared to obtain exclusive rights to market 1.4 GHz spectrum in the United States. The spectrum is being targeted primarily to the Utility market for Smart Grid deployments.

The company was listed under NASDAQ symbol AIRN, but was delisted on September 18, 2009, and now trades as . The company is now controlled by Oak Investment Partners. According to their Form 10-K
Form 10-K
A Form 10-K is an annual report required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission , that gives a comprehensive summary of a public company's performance...

for 2008 (the last year that they were required to file one as a publicly traded company), "As of March 1, 2009, we had a total of 207 employees, including contract personnel, of which 43 were based in the United Kingdom, 84
were based in Israel, 30 were based in the United States and 50 were based in other locations."
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