Aishalton is a village of the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo
Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo
Upper Takutu-Upper Esequibo is a region of Guyana in the Zona de Reclamación by Venezuela, bordering the region of Potaro-Siparuni to the north, the region of East Berbice-Corentyne to the east and Brazil to the south and west. It contains the towns Lethem, Isherton, Good Hope and Surama. It is...

 Region, in the Rupununi
Rupununi is a river and region in southern Guyana, South America, originating in the Kanuku Mountains. The Rupununi River runs from near the Brazilian border into the Essequibo River. The river during the flood season actually shares a watershed with the Amazon...

 savannah of southern Guyana
Guyana , officially the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, previously the colony of British Guiana, is a sovereign state on the northern coast of South America that is culturally part of the Anglophone Caribbean. Guyana was a former colony of the Dutch and of the British...

, at an altitude of 300 metres. The population of 1,200 is mostly Wapishana
The Wapishana are an indigenous group found in the Roraima area of southern Guyana and northern Brazil....

 Amerindian. Aishalton is approximately 60 miles southeast of Lethem
- People :* Gordon James Lethem , Gouverneur of the Leeward Islands and Guyana* Richard Brown Lethem , an avant-garde painter ∞ Judith Lethem, a political activist** Blake Lethem, an artist** Mara Lethem, a photographer and writer...


Aishalton has secondary and elementary schools. The National Library service established a library in Aishalton in 1976. A hospital was built in the 1980s, with support from The Netherlands.

Internet service exists, donated by a Canadian mining company with interests in the area.

The Airport Code
IATA airport code
An IATA airport code, also known an IATA location identifier, IATA station code or simply a location identifier, is a three-letter code designating many airports around the world, defined by the International Air Transport Association...

 of the Aishalton landing strip is AHL.

Petroglyphs are pictogram and logogram images created by removing part of a rock surface by incising, picking, carving, and abrading. Outside North America, scholars often use terms such as "carving", "engraving", or other descriptions of the technique to refer to such images...

s can be found near Aishalton. Anthropologist Denis Williams
Denis Williams
Denis Williams was a Guyanese painter, author and archaeologist.Williams' early promise as a painter won him a two-year British Council Scholarship to the Camberwell School of Art in London in 1946. He lived in London for the next ten years, during which he taught fine art and held several one-man...

' Master's thesis, The Aishalton Petroglyph Complex in the Prehistory of the Rupununi Savannas, submitted to the University of Guyana
University of Guyana
The University of Guyana, in Georgetown, Guyana is a public university established in 1963 by the Guyanese government.-History:Cheddi Jagan, then Premier of British Guiana considered that the University of the West Indies, to which his government had contributed since 1948, was not meeting the...

 in 1979, presented ideas elaborated in a 1985 article published in Advances in World Archeology.

The drink of choice, is parakari, a local drink made from fermented cassava
Cassava , also called yuca or manioc, a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae native to South America, is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates...

in a complicated process involving up to thirty different stages. The result is a thick, greyish-brown brew, widely varying in strength and quality. If it is sweet, it can be drunk almost like water; if it is bitter, then it is a sign that the sugars have been turned into alcohol, and the unsuspecting drinker should beware. It is commonly served out of a bucket, and traditionally drunk by the bowlful, though concession to modern livers permits the use of a cup. According to custom, the "sharer", whose job it is to replenish empty vessels, should be returned a shot for every one he distributes.
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