Alan Nolan
Alan Nolan is a hurling
Hurling is an outdoor team game of ancient Gaelic origin, administered by the Gaelic Athletic Association, and played with sticks called hurleys and a ball called a sliotar. Hurling is the national game of Ireland. The game has prehistoric origins, has been played for at least 3,000 years, and...

 player for Dublin
Dublin GAA
Dublin County Board of the Gaelic Athletic Association , or Dublin GAA, is one of the 32 county boards of the GAA in Ireland, and is responsible for Gaelic games in County Dublin. The county board is also responsible for the Dublin inter-county teams...

 and St Brigids. Alan was named on the Dublin Blue Stars
Dublin Blue Stars
The DUBLIN BUS/EVENING HERALD DUBS STARS FOOTBALL/HURLING are the players chosen as the top Gaelic football and hurling players in the in their given position in the year that the Blue stars awards are awarded. The Dublin Blue Stars are a similar award to the GAA All Stars Awards which are awarded...

team for 2006.
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