Album in a Day 2
Album In A Day 2 is an EP by British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 artist Lightspeed Champion
Lightspeed Champion
Devonté Hynes , better known as Lightspeed Champion or Blood Orange, is a British composer, songwriter, producer and author, who has written for artists such as Florence and the Machine, Diana Vickers and The Chemical Brothers on their 2007 Grammy award winning album We Are The Night...

 written and recorded in a day, as a follow-up to his 2007 EP, I Wrote And Recorded This In Less Than Five Hours
I Wrote And Recorded This In Less Than Five Hours
I Wrote And Recorded This In Less Than Five Hours is an official bootleg album by UK based artist Lightspeed Champion and, as the title says, was written and recorded in less than five hours...


"smooth day" later appeared on Dev's second full-length studio album, Life is Sweet! Nice to Meet You
Life Is Sweet! Nice to Meet You
-Release history:-Personnel:* Devonté Hynes – vocals, main instrumentation, composition, arrangement* Spacecamp – additional instrumentation, group male vocals* Michael Siddel – violin, additional strings...

, re-recorded and re-titled "Smooth Day (at the Library)".

Track listing

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