. Best known for his novels including Brave New World
and a wide-ranging output of essays, Huxley also edited the magazine Oxford Poetry
, and published short stories, poetry, travel writing, and film stories and scripts. Huxley spent the later part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death.
Aldous Huxley was a humanist
, pacifist, and satirist
, and he was latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology
and philosophical mysticism
I'm afraid of losing my obscurity. Genuineness only thrives in the dark. Like celery.
What the cinema can do better than literature or the spoken drama is to be fantastic.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
That all men are equal is a proposition which at ordinary times no sane individual has ever given his assent.
The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities.
The course of every intellectual, if he pursues his journey long and unflinchingly enough, ends in the obvious, from which the non-intellectuals have never stirred.
Too much consistency is as bad for the mind as it is for the body. Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead. Consistent intellectualism and spirituality may be socially valuable, up to a point; but they make, gradually, for individual death.