Alessandro Borgia (1783-1871)
Alessandro Borgia was a leader of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, succeeding Filippo di Colloredo-Mels
Filippo di Colloredo-Mels
Filippo di Colloredo-Mels was a leader of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.From the Austrian noble family of the counts of Colloredo-Mels, his decision to join the Order was a sudden one - he was inscribed in it on 28 November 1779, when he was less than a year old...

 as its lieutenant in 1845.

Born into the Borgia
The Borgias, also known as the Borjas, Borjia, were a European Papal family of Italian and Spanish origin with the name stemming from the familial fief seat of Borja belonging to their Aragonese Lords; they became prominent during the Renaissance. The Borgias were patrons of the arts, and their...

 noble family, he entered the order as a minor on 18 February 1797 and made his official profession to it in 1802. He took up official residence with the order in 1818, when he settled in the Jerusalemite convent in Catania
Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. It is the capital of the homonymous province, and with 298,957 inhabitants it is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth in Italy.Catania is known to have a seismic history and...

, where the Order was then based, until he and the Order's other knights moved to Ferrara
Ferrara is a city and comune in Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy, capital city of the Province of Ferrara. It is situated 50 km north-northeast of Bologna, on the Po di Volano, a branch channel of the main stream of the Po River, located 5 km north...

 in 1824 and Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

 in 1834, in order to keep the Order's general archive safe. He was succeeded as lieutenant by Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce
Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce
Fra' Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce was a leader of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, succeeding Alessandro Borgia as its lieutenant in 1871, and then being chosen as the 74th Prince and Grand Master in 1879, a decision approved by pope Leo XIII on 28 March that year...



Francesco Giuseppe Terrinoni Memorie storiche della resa di Malta ai francesi nel 1798, tip. delle Belle Arti, Roma, 1867.
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