All Worked Up (TV series)
All Worked Up is an American television series that premiered on the truTV Network on October 19, 2009. The show goes on the job with reposession agents (Ron Shirley, Amy Shirley, and Bobby Brantley), a process server (Byran McElderry), code enforcement
Code Enforcement
Code enforcement, sometimes encompassing law enforcement, is the act of enforcing a set of rules, principles, or laws and insuring observance of a system of norms or customs. An authority usually enforces a civil code, a set of rules, or a body of laws and compel those subject to their authority...

 agent (Shawn Abron), parking enforcement agent (Jackie Pucci), bail bondsman
Bail bondsman
A bail bond agent, or bondsman, is any person or corporation that will act as a surety and pledge money or property as bail for the appearance of persons accused in court...

 (Harold Jackson), security guard (Zach Yeager) and others who might end up in law enforcement situations where the recipients can (and do) blow up in rage. Ron, Amy and Bobby also star in the spinoff Lizard Lick Towing.
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