Altogether Now (Birds Bees Flowers Trees)
Altogether Now is a greatest hits
Greatest hits
A greatest hits album is a music compilation album of successful, previously released songs by a particular artist or band...

 compilation, and the third release by English musical group Patrick & Eugene. The album contains tracks from their previous two albums, Postcard from Summerisle
Postcard from Summerisle
Postcard from Summerisle is the debut album by English musical duo Patrick & Eugene.-Track listing:...

and Everything & Everyone
Everything & Everyone
Everything & Everyone is the second album by English musical group Patrick & Eugene.-Track listing:...

, and is their first release in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

. The penultimate track, "Saturday Night", is exclusive to this compilation. "Peony" is also exclusive, but it is only available on certain versions of the album, such as purchasing it from the label's website.

Track listing

External links

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