Altoros Systems is a global software product development company that provides focused software product engineering, independent quality assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance, or QA for short, is the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process...

, and testing services to software organizations and information-driven enterprises. Areas of expertise include Microsoft .NET, Ruby on Rails, Adobe Flex, Java, and mobile technologies. Altoros mainly focuses on developing software products for ISVs
Independent software vendor
Independent software vendor is a business term for companies specializing in making or selling software, designed for mass marketing or for niche markets...

 and start-ups.

Technology Focus

Microsoft .NET

The company helps ISVs develop .NET-based applications and provides the entire software product life-cycle management
Software product management
Software product management is the process of managing software that is built and implemented as a product, taking into account life-cycle considerations and generally with a wide audience. It is the discipline and business process which governs a product from its inception to the market or...

, including design, development, and quality assurance. Altoros's expertise in Microsoft technologies involves .NET Framework 3.5, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), WCF, Compact Framework, Windows Forms, LINQ, ASP.NET, MS Silverlight, C#, Team Foundation Server (TFS), etc.

Ruby on Rails

Altoros Systems provides Ruby on Rails development, including porting, writing GUI on Ruby, and more. The team of Ruby on Rails developers at Altoros consists of more than 30 specialists, which makes it one of the largest Ruby on Rails team in the world.

NoSQL/Distributed Computing

Altoros implements NoSQL and distributed computing solutions for data mining, analysis, etc., helping software companies grow along with their data processing needs.

Adobe Flex

The team of Adobe Flex developers at Altoros focuses on Rich Internet application
Rich Internet application
A Rich Internet Application is a Web application that has many of the characteristics of desktop application software, typically delivered either by way of a site-specific browser, via a browser plug-in, independent sandboxes, extensive use of JavaScript, or virtual machines...

 and Adobe AIR development. Altoros’s expertise includes Flex + Java, Flex + PHP, Flex + .NET, and Flex + mobile programming, together with live streaming media support and Flex UI development.

Mobile Development

Altoros helps ISVs
Independent software vendor
Independent software vendor is a business term for companies specializing in making or selling software, designed for mass marketing or for niche markets...

 develop and port applications for handheld mobile devices. The team of mobile developers at Altoros provides expertise in Windows Mobile, Android, Apple iOS, and BlackBerry development.


Altoros helps technology-centered organizations deliver Java/J2EE software products. Altoros’s contributions to these companies have ranged from supplementing in-house development teams to managing the entire product development life-cycle. This involved a broad range of Java technologies, such as Spring Framework, Hibernate, iBatis, JSF, Struts, and Tapestry. Altoros is an active contributor to Apatar
Apatar is an open source ETL and data integration software application.-History:Apatar open source project was founded in 2005 . The first version of the tool was released under the GPLv2 license at in February 2007. In April 2007, Apatar alpha version was demonstrated to its...

, Java-based open source data integration
Data integration
Data integration involves combining data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of these data.This process becomes significant in a variety of situations, which include both commercial and scientific domains...



Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Silicon Valley (Sunnyvale, California), Altoros has a representative office in Western Massachusetts and a software development center located in Eastern Europe (Minsk, Belarus).

In July, 2008, Altoros became a resident of Belarus High Technologies Park
Belarus High Technologies Park
Belarus' High Technologies Park was established on September 22, 2005 on the President of Belarus Decree "On the Hi-Tech Park" with the aim to develop modern technologies and expand their exports, as well as to attract both Belarusian and foreign technologies and companies to the sector.To...


In October, 2009, Altoros established a branch office in Norway.

In 2011, Altoros opened representative offices in Denmark and UK.

During 2008-2011, the company also arranged a number of conferences for IT specialists in Belarus, featuring Microsoft, Adobe, SUN Microsystems, and Engine Yard representatives as speakers.

Supporting Technology Community

Altoros is an active member of MASSOFT (Massachusetts Software and Internet Council), a leading software trade association in Massachusetts, and NEBATA (New England Business and Technology Association), a leading technology trade association in New England.

Altoros is a co-founder of Belarus Java User Group, which unites Java developers in Belarus and lists more than 500 Java specialists. In 2010, Altoros developers co-founded Belarus Ruby on Rails User Group. Altoros is also a partner of Belarus .NET User Group, Adobe Flash Platform User Group, and Belarus Open Source Lab.

Altoros is an active contributor to Apatar
Apatar is an open source ETL and data integration software application.-History:Apatar open source project was founded in 2005 . The first version of the tool was released under the GPLv2 license at in February 2007. In April 2007, Apatar alpha version was demonstrated to its...

, open source data integration project used by 15,000+ companies worldwide, and to other open source initiatives (Memcached, Couchbase/Membase, etc.).

External links

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