Ampex 601
The Ampex
Ampex is an American electronics company founded in 1944 by Alexander M. Poniatoff. The name AMPEX is an acronym, created by its founder, which stands for Alexander M. Poniatoff Excellence...

 601 was a portable analog
Analogue electronics
Analogue electronics are electronic systems with a continuously variable signal, in contrast to digital electronics where signals usually take only two different levels. The term "analogue" describes the proportional relationship between a signal and a voltage or current that represents the signal...

Reel-to-reel audio tape recording
Reel-to-reel, open reel tape recording is the form of magnetic tape audio recording in which the recording medium is held on a reel, rather than being securely contained within a cassette....

tape recorder produced by from the late 1950s through the 1960s. Ampex manufactured a singe-channel model (the 601) and dual-channel version (the 601-2). The suitcase-sized, 26lb unit was designed for the professional recording applications. It recorded to 1/4" tape on 7" reels.


  • (schematic)
  • (owner's manual, PDF)
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