Andi Baiz Ochoa
Andi Baiz is a Colombia
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...

n film director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 and writer. As a film director, his first feature was Satan (2007), based on the book of the same name, won the award for best film and best actor at the Festival Monte Carlo Film [1] and has been invited to participate in the Festival de Cine de San Sebastián. [2] His short film The Bonfire was selected to participate in the 60th edition of the Cannes Film Festival [3]


He graduated from New York University
New York University
New York University is a private, nonsectarian research university based in New York City. NYU's main campus is situated in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan...

 Tisch School of the Arts
Tisch School of the Arts
Tisch School of the Arts is one of the 15 schools that make up New York University ....

 with a major in film and TV and a minor in cinema studies. After graduating he was mentored by French director Raphael Nadjari
Raphael Nadjari
Raphaël Nadjari is a French born writer and director for film and television.In 1993, Nadjari started working for French television as a writer and director...

, with whom he produced 4 horror short films. He then worked for the video production company Centro-Films as producer, director and editor
Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film media used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete...

 for 2 years. He also worked as a film critic for Loft magazine between 2001–2004. Has worked in the production department of 5 feature films: Bring Out the Dead, Zoolander, Cremaster 2, Maria Full of Grace
Maria Full of Grace
Maria Full of Grace is a 2004 joint Colombian-American film, written and directed by Joshua Marston, who won the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay. Although the movie depicts rural life in Colombia, it was actually filmed in Ecuador...

and The Fittest. His short film HOGUERA (Bonfire) was selected to participate in Cannes Director's Fortnight 2007. Baiz has written and directed 5 short films, 3 music videos and 1 documentary. Satanas is his debut feature film.


Satan is the first feature Baiz released in June 2007, starring Mexican actor Damián Alcázar
Damián Alcázar
Damián Alcázar is a Mexican actor.To an English-speaking audience, he is probably best known as Lord Sopespian in the 2008 film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.- Filmography :...

, is based on the book by Mario Mendoza
Mario Mendoza
Mario Mendoza Aizpuru is a former Major League Baseball infielder. Mendoza, a lifetime 0.215 hitter, is best known as the threshold for batting aptitude, with the "Mendoza Line", meaning a batting average of .200....

, which in turn is based on the events at the restaurant where the Pozzeto Bogota 5 December 1986, a veteran of the Vietnam War known as Campo Elias Delgado
Campo Elías Delgado
Campo Elías Delgado was a Colombian Vietnam War veteran who killed 30 people, and wounded 15 more, most of them at a luxurious Bogotá restaurant called Pozzetto, before apparently being shot dead by police...

 massacred several people who were on the scene after murdering his mother. The film received the award for best film and best actor at the Monte Carlo Film Festival, in Colombia has received mixed reviews.


  • Satanás (2007, feature film, in post-production - 95 minutes)
  • Columbia (2006, TV commercial in defense of Cinema Law - 40 seconds)
  • Hoguera (2006, short - 16 minutes)
  • Sin decir una Palabra (2006, music video - 3 minutes)
  • Penumbra (2003–2004, documentary)
  • Homenaje (2002, music video - 3 minutes)
  • La Sesión (2001, short - 7 minutes)
  • Yo No Quiero (2000, music video - 3 minutes)
  • Payaso HP (1999, student short - 14 minutes)
  • Mass Production (1998, student short - 5 minutes)
  • A Short Statement About War (1997, student short - 2 minutes)
  • Billions Served (1997, student short - 2 minutes)
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